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日常生活 つぶやき


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Troy Fernandez の Kalakaua Live 。




たぶん このサイトは Troy(ファミリー)自身のページのようです? ね。


John Cruz の 名曲 「Island Style」です。


この曲も sanapandaさんにリクエストしてもらえばよかったですね(笑)


このビデオは うちのではありませんが お楽しみください。


Here We Go ♪♪

Troyで聴いても John Cruzのオリジナルを聴いても


まったく聴きとれず 歌詞を調べてみました。

”John Cruz Island Style”

On the Island, we do it Island Style,
From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.

On the Island, we do it Island Style,
From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.

Mama's in the kitchen cooking dinner real nice,
Beef stew on the stove, lomi salmon with the ice.
We eat & drink and we sing all day,
Kanikapila in the old Hawaiian way.

On the Island, we do it Island Style,
From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.

On the Island, we do it Island Style,
From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.

We go grandma's house on the weekend clean yard.
If we no go, grandma gotta work hard.
You know my grandma, she like the poi real sour.
I love my grandma every minute, every hour.

On the Island, we do it Island Style,
From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.

On the Island, we do it Island Style,
From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.

Mama's in the kitchen cooking dinner real nice,
Beef stew on the stove, lomi salmon with the ice.
We eat & drink and we sing all day,
Kanikapila in the old Hawaiian way.

On the Island, we do it Island Style,
From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.

On the Island, we do it Island Style,
From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.

On the Island, we do it Island Style,
From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.

From the mountain to the ocean from the windward to the leeward side.











Kanikapila is a style of Hawaiian music produced in an impromptu jam session, most commonly taking place at a beach, or family gathering. The term comes from kani which means sound]].[1] and pila which means any string instrument in the Hawaiian language.[2]

Over the last few decades it formed into a conceptual style reflecting more emphasis on acoustic instruments including the ukelele and free following speed to reflect the emotion of the players. The term has started making its way in the dialog of mainland US musicians as well.

One way that the kanikapila style music has made its mark in popular culture is songs like "Somewhere over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole where he takes two songs ( "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "What a Wonderful World" ) mashes them together to form an entirely new song. This is common element of the kanikapila style.


意訳? しちゃうと(あいまい) 


ウクレレ奏者とかが 気分にまかせて もとの演奏を




IZ の オーバーザレインボウ~ワンダフルワールドみたいに、


違う曲を1曲にして 新しい歌にしちゃうみたいなのを 最近では


Kanikapila スタイル と言うみたいですね。


Troy Fernandez の CD にも このスタイルの曲が何曲もありました。


Troy Fernandez トロイフェルナンデス / Hawaiian Style Ukulele 輸入盤 【CD】



E Ku’u Morning Dew ~  Pua Lilia


Nani Kaua’i ~ Guava Jam


Lovely Hula Hands ~ My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua Hawaii




こういうのを Kanikapila Style と いうのかな (最終的にはあいまい)


今日は Island Style の歌詞がわかってうれしかったんですぅぺろり


まだまだ続くよ。 Troy Fernandez 動画編。







 Peugeot1007 × Hawaii

にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ ハワイ旅行へ






最終更新日  2023.10.19 18:05:04
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