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☆言わせてみてぇもん… ゆずぽん0911さん
☆マリルリの部屋☆ マリルリ33さん
かいわれ-歌詞作成H… moon7943さん
音楽な日々 maru9578さん


乗らない騎手@ ちょっとは木馬隠せw あのー、三 角 木 馬が家にあるってどん…
開放感@ 最近の大学生は凄いんですね。。 竿も玉もア○ルも全部隅々まで見られてガ…
しおん@ ヤホヤホぉ★ こっちゎ今2人なんだけどぉ アッチの話…
まさーしー@ なんぞコレなんぞぉ!! ぬオォォーーー!! w(゜д゜;w(゜д゜)w…
アゲチン@ ありがとうな!!!! <small> <a href="http://bite.bnpnstor…
If, if you choose that we will always lose
Well then I’ll sail this ship alone
And if, if you decide to give him another try
Well then I’ll sail this ship alone
Well they said if I wrote the perfect love song
You would take me back
Well I wrote it but I lost it
And now will you take me back anyway
Now if, if you insist that this is for the best
Well then I’ll sail this ship alone
And if, if you swear that you no longer care
Well then I’ll sail this ship alone
I’ll sail this ship alone
Between the pain and the pleasure
I’ll sail this ship alone
Amongst the sharks and the treasure
If you would rather go your way then go your way
I’ll sail this ship alone
If, if you’re afraid that I won’t make the grade
Well then I’ll sail this ship alone
And if, if you agree to him instead of me
Well then I’ll sail this ship alone
Well they said if I wrote the perfect letter
That I would have a chance
Well I wrote it, and you burnt it
And now do I have a chance anyway
If, if you swear that you no longer care
Well then I’ll sail this ship alone
I’ll sail this ship alone
Between the pain and the pleasure
I’ll sail this ship alone
Amongst the sharks and the treasure
If you would rather go your way then go your way
I’ll sail this ship alone
Well they said if I burnt myself alive
That you’d come running back


Last updated  2005年11月20日 17時03分23秒
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