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いいね! --/--
“What's Kemigawa Radio Transmitting Station?”

Walking from JR Shin-Kemigawa railway station(Chiba City) for 10 minutes, you'll see ex-Kemigawa Radio Transmitting Station stands solitarily at the residential area.

2007 From the front

2007 summer From the other side

“You mean that ruins, don't you?”

"I know it's a well known haunted house."

"No way! Use to be a Radio transmitting station, that's historical one."

The first Radio Transmitting Station in Japan is designed by Tetsuro Yoshida who also worked for Tokyo and Osaka Central Post Office.

Tokyo Central Post Office(in front of JR Tokyo Station)

And this was called "White Station House" in the opening year 1926.

Kemigawa Radio Transmitting Station in 1926

It could have a quite rare value since we lost a lot by war damage.

Of course this station had the first call sign ”J1AA”.It helped a lot to develop the wireless technology of Japan.

in the Showa(1926-1989) era initial

In 27th October 1930, the prime minister Okichi Hamaguchi(1870-1931) gave a memorial speech for San Francisco and London after disarmament treaty had concluded in London.

Staff who celebrated the first overseas broadcast in 1930

And this was the first overseas broadcast from Kemigawa, Japan. Do you know this story?

Short Movie!! powered by YouTube

Picnic at Kemigawa Radio Transmitting Station in (1 min)


Last updated  2007/11/26 11:11:33 PM
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