いいね! --/--




 VOAのNagasaki Marks Atomic Bomb Anniversaryという記事のコメント欄に「広島大虐殺と南京大虐殺は永遠に糾弾されるべき人道に対する犯罪である。」と書き込んだところ、原爆投下がなければもっと死者が出ただろうという趣旨の以下のような反論が第二次世界大戦に従軍した元米軍軍人から寄せられました。

I think Japan should maintain its peace stance.
I would defer to Suzu for his view on the atomic bombing. However, considering the times, Japan would have fought any invasion with the diligence the troops displayed on island after island. There were two "parties" in the government at the time, and one wanted peace; the other to continue. Remember--there was a palace "uprising" (quickly put down) that tried to prevent Hirohito from proclaiming surrender.
Hirohito reluctantly decided to surrender and was able to declare that the "barbarian" weapon tilted the balance. Without that, the Japanese would have fought on--with the Allied invasion contributing to indescribable devastation on both sides! Yes, the nuclear bombing was a horror, but as Churchill remarked, it was a miracle of deliverance.
Do you recall how when Great Britain stood with its back against the wall, after the fall of France, and Germany stood triumphant, Churchill defiantly proclaimed, if invasion came, the English would fight on the land, fight in the hills--we (the English) will never surrender.
Is it any less believable that the Japanese would have done the same? Brutal as the atomic bombings were (and are), the fire bombing of cities across Japan by Gen. Lemay had a horror and a death toll as severe, if not more so.
Again, the "barbaric weapon" allowed the Emperor to tilt the decision to unconditional surrender.
A personal note: I was in the Philippines, U.S. army, 1945, (engineers), and we were slated to be part of invasion...Kyushu. Yes; we "celebrated" the atomic bombing and the end of the war although not too aware of the specific radiation effects at the time.
Subsequently we went as part of the occupation, landing ino Sasebo, then toward Fukuoka, and the small town of Zasshonokuma where we helped build an airfield on the site, I believe of what has been a Japanese airfield.
As for Pres. Truman's decision? If the invasion had gone on as expected (without the atomic bombing) and the resultant toll on American forces (not to mention the Japanese which would have been saturated with aerial bombings and naval off-shore gunnery) --how would any president could later justify the deaths of so many more Americans. And I think the Japanese would now be complaining that if the U.S. had the means for ending the war (the atomic bombings) why did the bloodthirsty Americans then kill so many more Japanese in the subsequent horror of invasion! Tsk.tsk

 以下がVOAの記事Nagasaki Marks Atomic Bomb Anniversaryにいまも掲載されている私のコメントです。

No matter what plausible reasons there had been, the massacre of civilians is unacceptable and unlawful. There is no knowing what would have happened if the United States had avoided the atomic bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The atomic bombing is the worst precedent to order the massacre of civilians from military necessity. It may have led to the numerous atrocities committed by the US armed forces after that. But a civilized and enlightened military should never kill civilians on purpose. Moreover the situation was completely different from the one when Great Britain stood with its back against the wall. America stood triumphant even before the atomic bombing. I want American people not to allow its military to violate rule of law in the battle field. It is very suggestive that Truman was a former member of KKK. Maybe he did not hesitate to kill Japanese civilians for the sake of American soldiers.

I cannot help admiring VOA for allowing me to criticize US armed forces freely. This situation is completely unimaginable in Japan. Although we have freedom of speech in Japan, Japanese media ignore inconvenient opinions.
At the same time I want American people to face following Q and A.

QUESTION: Was the U.S. use of nuclear weapons resulting in the mass and indiscriminate killing of civilians in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki a violation of the same international law that you are referring to?「アメリカが核兵器を使った結果、広島や長崎の多数の市民を無差別に殺すことになったのは、あなたの言う同じ国際法違反になるのですか?」

MS. HARF: I’m not even going to entertain that question, Arshad.「その質問は、受け入れるつもりさえないですよ、Arshadさん」

MS. HARF is a Deputy Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State under Obama administration. ハーフ氏はオバマ政権下での国務省副報道官である。



 NHKが揺れている。7月15日発売の「サンデー毎日」(毎日新聞社)7月27日号で「仰天スクープ 政権と癒着する『みなさまのNHK』NHK敏腕プロデューサーが安倍首相に『違法献金疑惑』」との記事が掲載された。

暴力団・バーニングとNHKの癒着に、籾井会長自らメス! 紅白プロデューサーが長崎支局に“左遷”された!?






 7月11日発売の「フライデー」(講談社)は、「国谷キャスターは涙した… 安倍官邸がNHKを“土下座”させた一部始終」と題した記事を掲載している。安倍政権下で、安倍シンパの籾井勝人氏が会長に就任したNHKに相次いで起きた異変。「みなさまのNHK」が、“安倍さまのNHK”に変質してしまったのだろうか?


最終更新日  2014.08.20 10:03:47
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