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「英語で案内する日本の伝統・大衆文化辞典」 森口稔[編著] William S.Pfeiffer[英文校閲] 三省堂 2018年7月10日初版 より 
 主に蕎麦・路麺に関連するもの(サイドメニューも含む) を抽出


■あげたま 揚げ玉[食べ物]
  a deep-fried battar ball. Is sprinkled on soba ur udon. → 天かす

■あぶらあげ 油揚げ[食べ物]
 thin deep-fried tofu. Is used as an ingredient of miso soup or for wrapping INARI-ZUSHI.

■あられそば 霰蕎麦[食べ物]
 buckwheat noodles with adductors of surf clams(BAKAGAI).

■いか 烏賊[食べ物・動物]
 a cuttlefish, or squid. Sepiida or Teuthida. Eaten in various ways such as deep-fried, grilled, dried, or raw as sashimi or sushi.

■いしうす 石臼[食文化・家具]
 a stone mill. Is used to grind flour, buckwheat, and other materials.

■いちみとうがらし 一味唐辛子[調味料]
 red chili pepper. Literally means "one-taste peppar" because it is not mixed with other spices, as opposed to the seven-spice chili pepper called SHICHIMI TOUGARASHI.

■いなりずし 稲荷寿司[寿司]
 fox sushi. Vinegared rice mixed with saulty and sweet-flavoured sesame or chopped shiitake mushrooms is stuffed in salty and sweet flavored thin fried tofu. Is named because it is said that thin fried tofu is the favorite food of a fox, which is the messenger of a cereal deity called INARI.

■うどん 饂飩[食べ物]
 thick white noodles made from wheat flour. Eaten hot in broth or eaten cold after being dipped in a soy-sauce-flavored sauce. When served hot, is usually topped with thinly chopped green onions. Other common toppings include a tempura, deep-fried tofu pockets seasoned with mirin and soy sauce, or a thin-sliced steamed fish paste in a halfmoon. Red peppar is added to taste. Is said to have been introduced from China in the Nara period and became popular in the Edo perio. Is now a natinalwide favorit, especially in Western Japan. There are many local varieties, of which the Sanuki-udon in Kagawa Pref. may be the most famous.

■おかめそば お亀蕎麦[食べ物]
 buckwheat noodles in broth topped with steamed fish paste, dried laver, sliced shiitake mushroom, etc. The toppings are shaped like a woman's face.

■おにぎり お握り[食べ物]
 a rice ball. Often has a triangular shape. Is usually wrapped in dried laver or sprinkled with sesame seeds. Sometimes has a filling such as a pickled plum or solty salmon.

■おろしそば 卸し蕎麦[食べ物]
 cold buckwheat noodles topped with grated spicy white radish.

■かきあげ 掻き揚げ[食べ物]
 a tempura of various ingredients, such as small shrimps, shelfish, and chopped vegetables.

■かけそば 掛け蕎麦[食べ物]
 plain buckwheat noodles in hot broth. Either no topping or only chopped green onion is added.

■かつどん カツ丼[食べ物]
 a bpwl of rice topped with a pork cutlet, egg, and sliced onions.

■かまぼこ 蒲鉾[食べ物]
 steamed fish paste, or a fish cake. Its ingredient is the white meat of fish such as sardines and walleye pollacks. Is cut into slices when eaten. Is served with horseradish and soy sauce or put in noodles as a topping. One of the popular fish cakes is imitation crab meat, called KANI-KAMABOKO.

■かも 鴨[食べ物・動物]
 a wild duck. Anas platyrhynchos. Eaten as an ingredient in a one-pot dish, called 'kamonabe,' and in noodles such as KAMO-NANBAN.

■からあげ 唐揚げ[食べ物]
 deep-fried food without batter. The main ingredient is thinly covered with flour or dogtooth violet starch and is deep fried, not using batter. Cicken is popular.

■かれえうどん カレー饂飩[食べ物]
 thick white noodles in a curry broth.

■かんめん 乾麺[食べ物]
 dried noodles. Are boiled in water when eaten, like dried pasta.

■きざみのり 刻み海苔[食べ物]
 shredded dried laver. Is sprinkled on noodles or tofu, or scatterd on sushi.

 flat wheat noodles. Are generally 1 mm thick and 7 to 8 mm wide. Has a smooth and soft texture and easily picks up soup, comparing with UDON. A specialty of Aichi Pref.

■きそば 生蕎麦[食べ物]
 genuine buckwheat noodles. Are made from only buckwheat, without wheat flour.

■きつねうどん 狐饂飩[食べ物]
 thick white wheat noodles in hot soup with deep-fried tofu. 'Kitune' means "fox." It is said that thin deep-fried tofu is a favorite food of foxes.


■ころっけ コロッケ[食べ物]
 a croquette. Contains mashed potato and a little minced beef and is often sold at a butcher shop. Different from the French counteepart, as it does not cotain fish.

■ざるそば 笊蕎麦[食べ物]
 chilled buckwheat noodles topped with shredded dry purple laver sheet. Is served on a woven bamboo tray called ZARU, and eaten by dipping it into special broth with condiments such as WASABI or chopped green onion.

■さんさいそば 山菜蕎麦[食べ物]
 hot buckwheat noodles with edible wild plants such as bracken, mountain asparagus, and royal ferns.

■しちみとうがらし 七味唐辛子[調味料]
 seven-spice chili pepper. Includes raw hot pepper,prickly ash, Chinese pepper, dried citrus peel, black sesame, hemp seeds, and poppy seeds. The seben spices vary from area to area.

■じゅうわりそば 十割蕎麦[食べ物]
 soba noodles made with only buckwheat flour. Is thicker but breaks more easily than NIHACHI SOBA noodle, which is made from 80 percent buckwheat flour and 20 percent wheat flour. Is more fragment because it doesn't use wheat flour.

■しゅんぎく 春菊[食べ物・植物]
 edible chrysanthemum. Glebionis coronaria. Is used as an ingredient of a hot-pot dish, salad, or marinated food. Tastes bitter.

■せいろ 蒸篭[食文化]
 (1) a steaming basket. Is made of wood or bamboo and used to steam food.
 (2) → 盛り蕎麦

■そば 蕎麦[食べ物]
 buckweat noodles. Eaten hot in broth or eaten cold after dipped in a soy-flaverd sauce. When served hot, are usually topped with thinly chopped green onions.
Other common topping include a tempura and a deep-fried batter ball. Red papper is added according to taste. Buckwheat is native to Central Asia. It is said that Korean priest introduced buckwheat noodles into Japan in the 17th century. Is now a nation-wide favorite, especially in Easten Japan. → お亀蕎麦;掛け蕎麦;笊(ざる)蕎麦;十割蕎麦;狸(たぬき)蕎麦;茶蕎麦;年越し蕎麦;二は八蕎麦;引越し蕎麦;盛り蕎麦;藪(やぶ)蕎麦;夜鳴き蕎麦;椀子(わんこ)蕎麦

■そばうち 蕎麦打ち[食文化]
 preparation of buckwheat noodles. Buckwheat dough is kneaded rolled out, and cut thinly to form noodles.

■そばがき 蕎麦掻き[食べ物]
 cooked buckwheat dough. Eaten dipped in soy sauce or coverd with sweet adzuki paste.

■そばがら 蕎麦殻[生活]
 buckwheat chaff. Is stuffed in a traditional pillow.

■そばこ 蕎麦粉[食文化]
 buckwheat flour.

■そばつゆ 蕎麦汁[食文化]
 dipping sauce for buckwheat noodles. Is made from soy sauce, mirin, and dashi.

※そばまえ 蕎麦前

■そばまんじゅう 蕎麦饅頭[食べ物]
 a dumpling made of buckwheat flour containing adzuki paste.

■そばや 蕎麦屋[食文化]
 a buckwheat restaurant. Besides buckwheat noodles, often serves thick white noodles, called UDON, and rice topping, called DONBURI-MONO.

■そばゆ 蕎麦湯[飲み物]
 buckwheat hot water. Water in which buckwheat noodles have been boiled. After eating cold buckwheat noodles, people enjoy drinking the mixture of 'sobayu' and dip for buckwheat noodles. → 蕎麦汁(つゆ)

■だいこんおろし 大根卸し[調味料]
 grated mooli. Is used as a condiment for grilled fish or for one-pot dish of chicken and vegetables.

■だし 出汁[調味料]
 dashi, or soup stock that serves as the base of many dishes. Is prepared from one or more of kelp, dried bonito, and dried anchovies, all of which add UMAMI flavor. → 昆布;鰹節;煮干

■だしまき 出汁巻[食べ物]
 a rolled omelette flavored with soup stock.

■たちぐい 立ち食い[文化]
 stand-and-eat style resutaurant. There are a lot of buckwheat noodle restaurant with this style in railroad staitions.

※たちぐいそば 立ち食い蕎麦

■たちのみや 立ち飲み屋[酒・ビジネス]
 a stand-up bar. Serves alcohol and food at reasonable prices.

■たぬきそば 狸蕎麦[食べ物]
 (1) buckwheat noodles with deep-fried batter balls.
 (2) hot buckwheat noodles with thin deep-fried tofu. Is called so in the Kansai area.

■たまごとじ 卵綴じ,玉子綴じ[食べ物]
 soft scrambled egg with soup. Is usually mixed with other food.

■たまごやき 卵焼き,玉子焼き[食べ物]
 a rectangular-shaped plain omelette. Is sometimes flavored with sugar or soy sauce.

■ちゃそば 茶蕎麦[食べ物]
 buckwheat noodles containing tea powder.

■つきみそば 月見蕎麦[食べ物]
 buckwheat noodles with a raw egg in hot broth. Literally means "moon viewing buckwheat noodles" because the yolk on the noodle looks like the moon.

■てうちそば 手打ち蕎麦[食べ物]
 handmade buckwheat noodles. Buckwheat dough is kneaded and rolled out by hands.

■てんかす 天滓[食べ物]
 batter flakes remaining after tempura is deep-fried. Are often sprinkled on traditional noodles such as UDON or SOBA. → 揚げ玉

■てんとじ 天綴じ[食べ物]
 hot buckwheat noodles or thick wheat noodles with shrimp tempura and soft scrambled eggs.

■てんどん 天丼[食べ物]
 a bowl of rice topped with tempura. A little thick sauce is sprinkled over it. The ingredients of tempura are often shrimp and vegetables.

■てんぷらそば 天婦羅蕎麦[食べ物]
 hot buckwheat noodles topped with shrimp tempura. Chilled variation is called TEN-ZARU.

■とうふ 豆腐[食べ物]
 tofu, or bean curd. Is made from soybeans by adding bitten to congeal. Is said have been invented in China about 2,000 years ago and introduced into Japan in the Nara period. Eaten in a great variety of ways such as cold tofu(HIYA-YAKKO), skewed grilled tofu with miso(DENGAKU-DOUF), one-pot dish(NABEMONO), salad, and even curry and rice.

■としこしそば 年越し蕎麦[食べ物]
 buckwheat noodles eaten on New Year's Eve. People eat in to wish for longevity.

 buckwheat noodles with grated yam. Raw quail egg is often added.

■にはちそば 二八蕎麦[食べ物]
 soba noodles made from 80 percent buckwheat flour and 20 percent wheat flour as a thickener. Is considerd to be a low-ranking soba.

※ぬき 抜き

■ねぎ 葱[食べ物・植物]
 a green onion, or a Welsh onion. Allium fistulosum. Is used as ingredients or garnish in many kinds of cuisine, including miso soup, buckwheat noodles, and a savoy pancake called OKONOMIYAKI.

■ひっこしそば 引越し蕎麦[食文化]
 buckwheat noodles as a gift for moving in. Traditionally, those who moved in presented buckwheat noodles to new neighbors as a token ob friendship. This custom is now obsolete.

■ひもかわうどん 紐皮饂飩[食べ物]
 → きしめん

■べにしょうが 紅生姜[調味料]
 red picled ginger. Is served in thin strips or in chopped form, often on a beef bowl(GYUUDON) or fried noodles(YAKISOBA).

■めんつゆ 麺汁[調味料]
 noodle broth, or dipping sauce for noodles. Is made by mixing soy sauce, mirin, and soup stock.

■もりそば 盛り蕎麦[食べ物]
 cold plain buckwheat noodles on a bamboo tray. Are dipped into sauce when eaten.

■やくみ 薬味[食べ物]
 condiments. Popular ones are wasabi, ginger, giant white radish, prickly ash, sasame, green onion, and dried bonito. Are usually grated, chopped, or shaved.

■やぶそば 藪蕎麦[食べ物]
 light-green buckwheat noodles. When making buckwheat powder, buckwheat nuts are ground without removing the chaff.

■ゆず 柚子[調味料・植物]
 a small aromatic citron. Citrus junos. Is used to add aroma and refreshing flavor to cooking.

■ゆずこしょう 柚子胡椒[調味料]
 seasoning paste made of ground green pepper and the peel of small aromatick citron, called YUZU, with salt. Is used as a seasoning or condiment.

■ゆとう 湯桶[食器]
 a small wooden lackuered pitcher. Contains the hot water that has been used for boiling buckwheat noodles. After eating cold buckwheat noodles, people mix the remaining dipping sauce with the hot water served in 'yutou' and drink the mixture.

■よなきそば 夜鳴き蕎麦[食文化]
 noodles sold at a street vendor's stall at night.

■わかめ 若布[食べ物・植物]
 an edible brown seaweed. Undaria pinnitifida. Grows 50 to 150 cm long. Is used for various traditional dishes such as miso soup and vinegared salad.

■わさび 山葵[調味料・植物]
 wasabi, or Japanese horseradish. Is used as a condiment for sushi, sashimi, and cold buckwheat noodles.
■わんこそば 椀子蕎麦[食べ物]
 buckwheat noodles served in small bowls. Mouthfuls of noodles are continuously served with a dipping sause until the customer signales that he or she is done. A specialty of Iwate Pref.

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