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とーと with Christ

とーと with Christ

いいね! --/--






Jan 7, 2008


更には、ずーっとあこがれていた アメリカの病院のユニフオームーーードレス

スマイル     ぽっ    びっくり

1クラスメートのMR.Dが、”僕は何でも祈るんだ!”と突然てステイモニーを私の教えてくた。彼はイラン出身。奥さんと子供二人を残して、仕事のために冬休み中彼一人でイランへ行った。父親がいなくて寂しくて知恵熱を出してしまったいう3歳の子供のために急遽オーランドに帰国することに決めたDさん。しかし空港会社に連絡とっても満席でチケットがとれないといわれてしまったDさん。祈りました。その5分後会社側から連絡があり、Dさんのためにチケットがとれたとのことで 飛行機に乗り込んだ。しかし、その飛行機はマイアミ行き。マイアミについてオーランドまでの乗り継ぎの飛行機を捜そうとしたが、どれも満席。仕方なくレンタカーをしようと考えたが、レンタカーも0。Dさんはまた祈った。”神様子供が熱をだして、お父さんの帰りを待っています。あなたは私をマイアミまでつれてきてくれました。どうかすぐにでもオーランドに帰らせて下さい。” いのって本当にすぐに一人の女性が声をかけてきて、今キャンセルが出たので車一台空いたと報告があり、Dさんはすぐに車に 乗った。しかしイランからの長旅でDさんはとっても疲れていた。そこでDさんはまた祈った。”神様、今にでも眠ってしまいそうですが、どうぞ家路まで無事に運転させてください。”そして 彼は事故にあうこともなく無事に家に着いた。彼は言った。”神様が本当に成し遂げさせたい時はどんなことでも扉が開かれる。祈る!これ大事!”

る家庭教師)ナンシーがいた!彼女もクリスチャンで私の人生の相談相手でもある。私は彼女が新しいキャンパスに移る予定はないと聞いていたので!!!そして二人で最近あったことなど話していた所、一人の女の子が1枚の紙を私たちに渡して部屋を出て行った。その紙のタイトルは ”雄々しさとともに新たな年に向けよ” で申明記31:6を題材にしたものであった。
い。”  (申明記31:6)

3:そしてクラスは夜にまで続く。あさ8時から学校にいるので 気が狂いそうになってきてい  
(英語だと:to cure some, to relief often, to comfort always)


God always give me new things everyday!
Today is the first day of new semester!
We have a new campus!
Also I got an uniform for clinical which I have longed to wear it in U.S.A for a long long timeきらきら

Today was, in addition, a strange day in a good way.

1: One of my classmates shared his great testimony at first.
He went to Iran for his business during winter vacation while leaving his wife and 2 daughters in Orlando. Since one of his kids got fever from being lonely without Dad, he decided to come back to Orlando. However, all seats of flight was full. He prayed and asked God," I need come back to home for my sick kid. Please, God, give me an available seat." It took only a couple of minutes until God answered to him. One of the flight company called him back and the staff said they found a seat for him! The flight was for Miami; therefore, he flew to Miami and was going to transfer the airplane for Orlando.
However, there were no seats for him again to transfer.....He started looking for rental cars, but no cars were available either.... He started praying again. " God you let me back to here from Iran. I need to go back home right away. Please let me return!" In a second, one of lady talked to him and said, " we got a cancel. Now this one car is available for you!" Of course, he rent that car and started driving for sweet home!! However, he got one more trouble! He was very tired from a long traveling and almost fell asleep while driving. He prayed again. " God! I want to come home as soon as possible for daughter waiting for me! Please let me back safely!" God really helped him! He safely went back home. He said that travel was just miracle! but God opens the door whenver he want us to do it!!

2: Then I went to accademic success center between classes. I met Nancy!! She is my best tutor. She is chirstian, so she sometimes become my life tutor,too! It was great see her again and goog surprising since she was not planing to come to a new campus!
A gile gave us a piece of paper while I and Nancy was talking. The paper's title was " Facing the New Year with Courage" and there were a couple of testimonies.
Those context was based on Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

3: At night class, our teacher shared how medical staff should be based on Bible!

To cure some,
To reliefe often,
To comfort always!!!

Such a spiritual day todayびっくり

Thank you Godきらきら



Last updated  Jan 8, 2008 02:43:53 PM

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