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とーと with Christ

とーと with Christ

いいね! --/--






Mar 9, 2008

この教会は私がアメリカに来て 初めて通っていたバプテスト教会。


そこでいつも優しくしていてくれていたのが Ms.L。彼女は工夫しながらシングルクラスの中でも私がクラスの中にとけ込めるように努力してくれた。


祈りを始めた頃は6ヶ月目くらいの頃だ。 そして祈りなんと、すぐに与えられた。

それも突然 ポンと 与えられた。

なんとそして今 ただバイブルスタデイに参加するだけではなく、それらを通して知った仲間とともに日本人ミニストリーをこのオーランドで捧げる奉仕まで与えられた。
祈りによって 神様が答えてくれた。

祈る!      大切だスマイル

神の命令とは、私たちが御子イエス キリストの御名を信じ、キリストが命じられたとおりに、私たちが互いに愛し合うことです。 (ヨハネ1 3:22-23)

I can not talk about my life in U.S.A without talking about this church.
This is the first church I belonged to since I started to live in here.
There are so many memorial testimonies I should share, but I pick 2 major testimonies today.

It was very hard for me to get into the American union since I was not a great English speaker. Because of the language difference, I sometimes even felt I was isolated.
I tried to have more communication with some people while joining church activities or single classes; however, I was always alone after class was over since everybody just left quickly and even could not get a chance to talk indidually. Therefore, I had to go to service room and needed to sit alone.
It probably last about 6 months unfortunately.

I was thinking to visit different churched; however, the words my pastor's wife from Japan were always in my mind and let me stay there.
She said, " Do not move from church to church. You might not be satisfied at the church you go, but try to stay for a while at least.

Even though I knew I should stay at that church little bit more for some reasons, but I felt so lonely and started to pray.
" God, I feel like I should stay at this church, but I am so lonely. I might quit going to church if you do not give me even one friend whom I can personaly talk!"

I do not remember how long it really took until God gave me one, but I think it did not take even 2 weeks. He gave me the one!

Then, I started to pray about different thing which is about Japanese bibile study.
I started asking God to let me meet Japanese Christian who can share God's words in Japanese.
He just gave me a great opportunity to see wonderful American-Japanese missionary family in a very unique way right after I started to pray.
Then I could start joining Japanse Bible study at their house and make great chiristian friends.

Now, not only I have a weekly Japanese bible study but also support Japanese ministry here in Orlando with those friends I met through my pray.

This time I could get a chance to look back my history when I went back to my first church and I realized it is just amazing to see how much God has done for me.

Everything happened through my pray.
He listened to my prayer.
He answered through my pray.

Pray. It is such a special gift that God gave us.

and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. 23And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.
( 1 John 3: 22-23)


Last updated  Mar 12, 2008 02:47:25 PM

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