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とーと with Christ

とーと with Christ

いいね! --/--






May 16, 2008


けれど、苦労をしたことのない人。 痛みを受けたことのない人。
傷をおったことのない人。 悲しみを感じたことのない人。

100%生まれてこの方 ずっとそのようなことしか経験していないという人がいるだろうか?

そしてそれらは、今の私からは想像もつかないような 複雑でユニークな内容だ。

先日、私はある一人の女性と電話で話しをしていた。彼女は医者で私のすばらしい特別講師である。いつも私に教える側の彼女の様子が 少し違っていたのでたずねてみた。彼女はとても疲れていた。精神的にもとても落ち込んでいた。彼女が心のうちを少し分かち合ってくれたあと、彼女がいった。 ”あなたはいつも明るいし、前向きだし、私みたいにこんな風に思ったりするなんて想像もつかなかったわ。共感してくれてすごくうれしい。”

私が今こうして前向きに希望をもって進めるのは、そして心の内側から喜びに満たされるのは神様のおかげだ。だからといって、けして痛みを感じないわけでも、悲しみや憂いに鈍感なわけでもない。ただ脱出の方法を神様が教えてくれているから。そして経験から学んだこと、感じたことが自然に人との分かち合いの中で、あふれてくる。同じ土台にたてる。彼女だけでなく、私自身も無理なく話せる。こんな素敵な分かち合いって自分でしようと思ってもできない。 自分も経験したからわかることってたくさんある。また経験してないがゆえに、見えない分野もある。だから、私はすべてのことに感謝している。

”あなたの笑顔をとてもすばらしいわね。きっといろいろなことを経験してきたんでしょうね。” 私はこういう風にいわれたのは 初めてだった。 今思うと、知恵に富んだ彼女の目には神様が私に与えられた、たくさんの複雑なる経験は明らかだったのだろう。でも神様が変えた。私の表情を明るくし、光を与えてくれた。




あなた方は泣き、嘆き悲しむが、世は喜ぶのです。あなた方は悲しむが、しかし、あなたがたの悲しみは喜びに変わります。 (ヨハネ16:20)

You do not seem to have been suffered from something deeply enough to talk about bitterness or tragedy. Your life seems to be always stable. You seem to be always happpy becaue you are optimistic so that you do not think things deeply. You are very much strong and flexible so that you are easy to adjust yourself to any kinds of circumstances.

Well....these seem to be the impression that people usualy have about me.

However, do you think there are people have never felt pain or sorrow, never experienced bitterness or strugglings, or never got hurts?

I am happy every single day since I was born! My life is just perfect and exact same that I desired!.......???????????????????????

I think the depth of bitterness, pain or sorrow would be different depending on the person. Also the experience that each people have is defferent too. So we can not really measure the depth of each individual's heart, though....
I also had very complicated and unique experiences which people usually can not imagin from my present life. Thoese were not great experience at all.

However, peple just talk about me in the opposite way like I wrote in the begining.

I got a chance to talk to one of my friends over the phone. She is my educational helper and good spiritual partner. Her smile is just beautiful and she is such a joyful person;however, she did not seem to be joyful over the phone. I asked if she doed not mind to share her feelings and she shared her bitterness, discouragement or pain with me.
After sharing those, she talled me that she never expected that I would have felt same kind of things before. She said, " It is amazing that you can even understand my feeling since you are always joyful and happy. I never imagine that you have felt like I do. I appreciate that you understand me."

I know the reason why I can be joyful and peaceful even through those matters and go forward because of God. It is all His work so that I can be joyful from inside of my heart. It does not mean I do not get any hurts or pain any more, but God always give me a refuge and rest; therefore, my heart can be recovered by him.
At the same time, my compassion or symphasis naturally cane out when she was sharing her feelings. I could stand on the same basis. I do not have to force myself to understand them. I thought it is such a wonderful gift from God. There are so many things we can understand others because we experienced a kind of similar tings. If we did not, it might be still understandable, but not easy to deeply understand sometimes. Therefore, I am thankful to everything happened in my life.

I also remembered things happend about 1 month ago. One of the lady stuff who seemed to be over 70 yrs talked to me over the counter. She is obviously Christian since it is chirstian book store. She said, " Your smile is special. I assume that you went through so many things in your life." That was the first time for me to hear that people say like that about me especially at the first meeting. Now I think ( it is just my guess) that this lady could see real people's joy from God. It is not on the surface. It comes from inside and deep joy from inside appears on the surface and change our face. I know my face has been changed since I became a Christian.

Sometimes Japanese people say his tiredness appears on his face. It indicates that he seems to be a poor person for different reasons. The reason could be mentally, physically, socially, financially or whatever which might make people make poor.
I do not think having difficulties itself is a problem. However, those difficulties just turn out to tiredness if God was not working in those. God always takes our load and gives us a refuge and rest. In addition, he even tunrs those matters into benefits!!

Light is delivered into our heart by Lord. That shines our body.
I have been experiencing those.

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away ( Revelation 21:3-4)

tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. ( John 16: 20)


Last updated  May 18, 2008 02:43:11 AM

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