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Crazy Angel

いいね! --/--




さんが 2011/08/31 にアップロード

@Korean cultural standard,sucks!! ?? ?? ?? ??! ----- 日本人だけがそう感じているのではない!! 韓国の"でっち上げ&虚言的報道"に米国出身で韓国在住の女性通訳,CNN.Goライターが"笑わせないでよ!"と噛み付いた。米国民はこれを支 持しているようだ。韓流っ­て日本だけかと思ったら世界中にアレを売り付けていたのか? 己を知らないその顔厚ぶりに驚いた......。---------This Eather Oh and other Korean journalist of Ameriacan"Maxwell Coll" made cynical remarks that Korea is killing its own Wave
Government initiatives and nationalistic observers threaten the movement's inherent allure.There is something remarkable happening in Asian pop culture, and it's stemming from Korea.

While India's Bollywood exports grip South Asia, Korean celebrities are beginning to make headlines across the region. The proliferation of Korean music, cuisine, drama, fashion and film has implications that should not be underestimated as Asia rises in the information age.

It is transforming old perceptions of the country -- the stereotypical images of the Korean War or the peninsula's colonization -- and branding Korea as a hub of high technology and trend-setting cultural phenomena. Interestingly, it is also becoming a driving force in Korea's tourism.

Unfortunately, the potential of the Korean Wave has caught the attention of policy makers and nationalistic observers who today threaten to wash out the movement and impede its natural course.

But it is the people with the best story to tell, not the governments with the strongest nationalistic campaigns, who will have the ability to affect change in the era of Facebook and Twitter.




Last updated  2012年06月05日 15時06分15秒

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