Again: Small things for important things, or small sacrifices for important things?
These are questions that could have already found some answers, but I'd like to leave my own today.1. In 1990s, there was a time management book saying that soccer is superior to baseball from the point of view of time management: Game time of baseball is not fixed, and if the game is tie after nine innings, they don't hesitate to extend the game.Game time of soccer is fixed, and even if the game is tie and extended, they settle quickly with golden-goal or shootout.The intention of this chapter was to point out that office conference in our country is like baseball and we should run conferences like soccer.For a few years after 3.11 earthquake disaster, upper limit was set on game time of professional baseball games in order to save electricity.Back then, I thought that it's better to set the upper limit of game time, for the sake of both broadcasters' side and audience side.But this preferential measure was already abolished.Why don't they introduce a rule to settle the game into baseball, like shootout at soccer?This is necessary for student baseball; during student baseball tournaments, there are several games a day, so they cannot extend games endlessly.Besides, recently, physical troubles due to long game are major problem at student baseball scene.-But how? Do we call it pitching-and-batting?2. There is no forecasting the name of the next Imperial era, but now, compared to problems below, it's not important.Reportedly, panjandrums are concerned about dual power caused by attentions on both current Emperor and next Emperor at the same time, and spoiling 30th Jubilee of current Imperial Majesty. So they are going to announce the new era name in next February. But it's obvious to cause serious problems.First, this is what I thought first of all: Abdication of His Imperial Majesty and the change of Imperial era name are already scheduled, so it's self-evident that we cannot use current Imperial era name from May 2019 A.D.Then, what do they do with calendars of next year? The problem is not only new era name but also national holidays.They must announce the new era name early enough to be on time for press of new calendar.Are they going to press new calendar with blank space from May 2019 A.D. to have users write new Imperial era name by ourselves...?-Are there some more ideas for measures?Second, as I was searching about this problem, I found online columns pointing out that if announcement of new Imperial era name is late, it imposes drain on people working on computer system even more.-Are there something else I'm missing?In short, I'd like to order panjandrums to wake up and smell the coffee and be practical; this is no time for narrow concerns while they have already compelled enough labors on general public in various ways.I saw an online posting that if they definitely want calendar system of our country's own, there is a date format based on the year of first Emperor's reign.It's not so bad idea; under current calendar system in our country, calculation of elapsed years is troublesome labor, and that's simply why I prefer Anno Domini. 3. (Previous) At a special category public school in an area in Capital prefecture where the moneyed live, due to Headteacher who is always conscious about reputation of school and think of pupils like dress-up dolls, children's family are obliged to pay for not only new uniform from Italian big-name designer's brand but also guards, after schoolchildren are subjected under harassment by passers-by.Although some parents welcome new big-name designer's uniform -such families can afford expensive uniforms enough, but who is to pay for guards? Do they waste tax money on this Headteacher's vanity?I read that Bland Designer's company side requested proper attention to safety of children, but didn't they question anything at the point when they received order from a public elementary school in our country?If there is any concerns this Designer’s company side in question is having, which do they care for, safety and impacts on education for children, or damage on the image of brand? What if general public label that they target people who rely on power of money and adults who think of children as dress-up dolls?Various fuss that have come up aside, and I rather approve of school uniform from junior high school, As for this, all I wondered was what if I were in shoes of parents of children in such school.-I suppose I'm missing something, though.(Translation: Unable-to-think-up-handle)◇:Ready to place translation if asked