Is all they know zippo?
1. May I accuse that how panjandrums have benumbed sense of the value of money?All they are obsessed with is how to deceive general public in raising consumption tax again.Even low-teen children understand that if consumption tax is raised, it cools economy down even more.No matter how they lift the ban of tax-relief sales, change price indication ostensibly, set the stage for consumption like early-leaving Fridays, Without money with us, we cannot even consume.With sense of value of money completely unlike general public, they don't even understand such natural fact, do they?2. If there is something to say for Northern half of neighboring Peninsular country,If they simply return all the people they've abducted from our country, at least one of the reasons our country side must besiege this country is lost-Can't they have a point of view like this?Does someone have any idea else to express this persuasion?I took this occasion to place in this language simply because I cannot write Korean at all.3. Not like central panjandrums who are obsessed with narrow concerns about dual power, For most of general public, the main concerns related with the change of Imperial Era must be issues related with daily lives, I suppose -Such as calendar and computer system programming. As for special consecutive national holidays set up in abdication of current Emperor and enthronement of the next Emperor, not all the general public appreciate.There are many people who work on holidays in service industries.Besides, too long consecutive holidays -except for spring and summer and winter vacation seasons at school -can upset work scheme and rhythm of everyday life. So does teaching scheme at school.Should I have placed such concerns after those one-time national holidays are actually set?-Me? I am currently facing a drastic change in my life, and all I'm sure is ten or eleven months later, I'm still under struggling to adopt myself to the change.Who is 330,000th visitor!?