How do you say in our language...
Once I've read that the English word "Responsibility" is consisted of "response" and "ability".Namely, "responsibility" is to accept the result of choice and action, and this is original meaning of responsibility.I've also read that there are many contemporary words in our country that had been translated from foreign languages.Whatever the word equivalent for "responsibility" comes from, the visual impression of this word is not good, I feel.Because this word is consisted of two letters same as "blame" and "leave".Then what is better phrase? -I know that it's too late to seek for different words and there is no choice but to keep using this word, though.When I placed about sex pests in political world, I referred a dictionary and used the word collective responsibility, one of the favorite terms of our society.But according to a comedian from a country using this native language, there is no translating this concept into this language because such concept does not exist in their culture.This made me realize cultural barrier. Although today's weblog is not about comparative language culture,It seems that responsibility is identified with taking the blame in our country.Then, little wonder of feeling like avoiding such things.That might cause the current situation that people conveniently bring up self-responsibility or collective responsibility,So the rise of white-hat wannabes described as monsters who just want preys to bully. Also, honest people tend to develop psychotic depression -this is the same everywhere, but how about incidence?-The list of evils could be a mile long.At the same time, the difference between responsibility and irresponsibility is universal: Irresponsibility is self-justification by blaming other people and external situation, which is going on all over the world.Individual level aside -it's a matter of education and disciplineFor example... Imagine that there was a public transportation accident, such as railroads.If they concentrate on investigation of cause and countermeasures, we could prevent repeating the tragedy again.If they search for what or whom to blame for the accident on, only time goes by and second and third accidents might come up during attribution battles.The difference is whether viewpoint is future or past.Although they must not close the matter as what done is done -especially for victims, injured people and their families,If people concerned don't understand what they investigate responsibility for, things end up in attribution battles, and it's nothing but harmful for future.It's also necessary to remind white-hat wannabes that what they are doing is pouring dignity and time named their lives down the drain. In short... Current smothering society partly comes from misunderstanding of responsibility, I suspect.-I might have placed the same thing before...sorry.