They have piped unto us, and ...
Reportedly, after the new Imperial Era name was announced, there were foreign medias that introduced the name as "Order and harmony".Frankly speaking, no wonder: It's true that first letter is used for word meaning "command, order".To deny this interpretation, Authority announced internationally that new Imperial Era name as "Beautiful harmony". Whichever-Although there is no finding out how many people in our country were reminded of "command, order" from the first letter of this Imperial Era name,If I said I was also the one, ultraconservatives thrash, don't they?When current Premier was at the position of Premier before current Ruling Party lost the reign of the government once, his slogan was "beautiful country".Whatever he meant by "beautiful country" back then, no room could be left to suspect that their true intention of Imperial Era name is as foreign medias introduced.Because when I was talking with new friends about the news mentioned at the opening, they pointed out: If panjandrums had prepared the translation, they would have announced it with the name of new Imperial Era name from the beginning, but it looks like they made up and announced the translation off the cuff in order to deny the international introduction of new Imperial Era name.At around the former change of an era due to demise of the Emperor back then, a kind of self-restraint mood -or self-shrink mood covered all over our country -just like after 3.11 earthquake disaster.I learned it from a supplementary reader of civics when I was high-teen, and once I wondered whether this triggered the collapse of bubble economy and long depression.Later, when I met a worker who is in real estate industry for several decades, I asked about it, and I was told that this suspicion was wrong.-But this can be one of the backgrounds that made His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus determine abdication thirty years later.At least, this time, not like the beginning of former Imperial Era, it's much better that our nation celebrated the beginning of current Imperial Era. Because-Considering the self-shrink mood and impudicity-hunting after 3.11 earthquake disaster, if the change of Imperial Era took place due to the demise of Emperor again, impudicity-hunting would have been rampant even more than after 3.11 earthquake disaster. On this weblog, I've expressed people who enjoy temporal sense of justice by indiscretion-hunting as white-hat wannabes -then, what is pulling the wires behind those white-hat wannabes? Anyway... both self-shrink mood in 30 years ago and rave-up at the beginning of this May look extreme.I'd like to take this occasion to place gratitude and prayer for health and longevity for His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus and Her Majesty the Empress Emerita.On the other hand, I'd like to complain:In short, panjandrums arranged ten consecutive holidays in order to make the whole nation appreciate the former Emperor and celebrate the enthronement of new Emperor.They must have thought blindly that all general public were happy, but in reality, they've created inconvenience and fatigue and discontent among general public, upsetting the society.Especially for mothers who have to take care of children at home, wives who were obliged to attend with husbands' pastime and family visits.And workers on duty regardless of public holidays -employers must reward them with compensatory leave and legal extra wage, needless to say.And part-time workers who couldn't earn living due to workplace closedown.And people who were troubled by long closedown of hospitals and various public institution -the list could be a mile long.-Us? Calendars of this year 2019 A.D. on store last autumn were prepared before the ten consecutive holidays were set, and I was on duty based on this calendar -thus, superfluously, we haven't gone on a honeymoon yet.However... in the long run, it's not time for sentiment now; it's FAR MORE important how to make bright future, regardless of the change of era.I'd like to place gratitude for 393939th visitor.