♪Too late~, your time has come~
1. Seemingly out of nowhere at this late date, Panjandrums try to make young people have children with whole bag of irrelevant tricks.However, thanks to national cold treatment of Second baby-boomers, third baby boom didn't come. Therefore, the number of women of childbearing potential has declined. Besides, reality-based people tend to avoid marriage.In history, having children had been investment to future labor force.Now, childcare is consumption, at least in most of developed countries.Due to nationwide poverty coming from declining disposable income, more and more of our nation cannot afford investments including childbirth.Besides, while our nation produce a sense of impending crisis and make a fuss about declining number of children, they treat expectant mothers and mothers with children as nuisance, slandering and sometimes even using violence on them. I've seen our nation and neighboring Peninsular nation making a drab competition about difficulty in childbirth and childcare.It's matter of time that birthrate in our state decline to record less than one like current neighboring Peninsular state, As long as younger generation learn from older generation and making Rational decision in their lives.Distant future aside, in the meantime, at most, those two states may as well serve each other as good examples of what not to do.2. Global warming to global boiling? I think I've read a theory that Venus went on this process to become the hottest planet in the Solar System.During the world shift the responsibilities of greenhouse gas emission by corresponding money, and repeat futile discussion, It can have been already matter of time that our Planet is going on the same process. 3. Casino resort in our state is bulldozed steadily in the Hosting prefecture of upcoming Exposition. Governor plots to make upcoming Exposition as part of strategy for Casino resort -is it fine as explanation?Reportedly, general public lacks interest in upcoming Exposition.Does it mean they are ignorant about how tax they pay is wasted on upcoming Exposition and Casino as well?If the residents are really against Casino facilities, why did they elect current Governor and Mayor?They should have voted for candidates who appealed discontinuation of Casino project or referendum whether to accept Casino resort.What do people who didn't vote or voted for current Governor and Mayor think of current situation?-It goes without saying that Disaster measures must come before Casino, which sounds like a slogan by a Chronic-opposition party in our state, but it's true.Do those Casino promoters expect that even if their Casino resort ends up in fiasco, upcoming massive earthquake disaster will settle their blunders and gamble addiction patients, destroying their opponents and all?◆:Ready to place summery if asked