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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

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カテゴリ:10-line essays

I'm still using conventional cell-phone.
Right now, I'm considering of switching to smartphone when contract expires next time, but facing a problem -or a big dilemma.
I lose the easiest and certain excuse for not using the communication app which is already a synonymous for communication app. 
Even if people around me press whether I don't use this app, I just say that I use conventional cell-phone, and they give up.
I told one of the people around me about this dilemma, then she began to expound on and on how this app is fascinating and convenience and besides, it's gratis.
Come to think of it, she gets angry easily if e-mail reply is late; I talked to a wrong person.

Why I'm so reluctant -or afraid of dabbling in this app?
Maybe due to read-message notification function:
As is already questioned, is read-message notification necessary?
There are people who lose temper that they are disregarded if the messages they send are unanswered.
Then users are obsessed to reply to messages they receive and read, so correspondence can be endless.
Besides, this can be one of the backgrounds people get addicted to smartphone, and children feel that parents' first priority is smartphone instead of children.
There is a plausible online rumor that this app is developed and spread by spies from neighboring peninsular countries in order to steal personal information.
A question to throw at this app providers side: Whether it's OK that another plausible rumor comes up and spread that this app is developed and spread in order to scheme human relations by taking advantage of sense of obligation and lockstep mentality named fellowship which is peculiar to our country.
This app is used not only in our country; how is the situation in other countries?

Countermeasures I've thought up right now:
・How about specifying the use of this app completely from the beginning?
As for me, if there is an advantage to use this app, it can save labor of corresponding with band members.
But I NEVER use for other purposes.
A few people around me use it only for corresponding with family members.
There are some people who use it only for corresponding with office members, its right or wrong aside.
・My family member who changed to smartphone first in my family used this app once.
But back then, there were security flaw compared to now;
I heard that this family member was one of them who suffered damage due to identification leak, and stopped using this app.
Recently, I saw an online posting that the contributor somehow became unable to open this app after update, and took the occasion to switch back to correspondence by conventional e-mail and phone calls, and realized the waste of time and energy spent on this app.
-There might be users who want such inevitable excuses to stop using this app.
・Can I stick to the same usage as in conventional mobile-phone e-mails?
Just a reminder; private e-mails and phone calls at work and school is against rule -except for emergency cases, and at most during lunch break.
And e-mail is not a tool to fulfill esteem needs or confirming friendship but means of communication.
-Are there something else?

Another question to throw at this app providers side again:
How do they face the fact that this app is used as bully tools -especially at school, sometimes among adults? Such as exchanging slanders and treat targets as outcasts.
How many people have been killed?
Needless to say, the problem is not the app itself but bad use.
Since this app is already spread and used so widely, we have to consider how to use it thoughtfully.

At the same time, if the app provider side doesn't change function to compel replies nor suggest countermeasures against bully, and bullicide cases involving this app keep on coming up,
This app needs to be designated as harmful for minors, or prohibited by school regulation, ordinances and laws.
As for decline of linguistic ability due to this app -mainly by depending on stamps and icons instead of decent sentences, it's not a story for today.


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最終更新日  2017年11月08日 19時31分04秒
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