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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays

As of February 2018, I haven't dabbled in Twitter and Facebook and Instagram, while I dabbled in this weblog without thinking well in order to post comments to weblog of my favorite musician on May 2006.
Here's a list of excuses-
・I slowed down the renewal of this weblog in 2008 in order to reduce things to place, rather than neglect and insufficiency of materials, so I feel pressure about Twitter that I have to place a lot.
In other words, I'm taking Internet activity in my stride too much to be cut out to use Twitter.
・When I was considering to start Facebook following my favorite musician, I found out that social harassment was rampant around me.
The ringleader was running business, and seemed to be obsessed with collecting followers and likes on official Facebook.
Fortunately, the ringleader didn't press me to start Facebook, but due to that, I COULDON'T dabble in Facebook.
・With a little free time, I can compose text manuscript with text files, sometimes with cell phone or mobile, and sometimes even with handwriting.
But if the main thing to place is pictures like Instagram, I cannot do such things.

Then why did I dabble in MySpace while my favorite musician doesn't use? Because this social media is specialized to music.

People or organizations that need to make public statements should make good use of Social media a lot.
・Twitter has real-time quick effects, so it's effective to use simultaneously with official websites.
・For people like models and idols, and facilities like restaurants and sightseeing spots, Instagram could be useful to publicize visually.
・I suppose Facebook can be useful to correspond and exchange information each other.

-Are there something else I'm missing?
However, as for those people or organizations, they should refrain from using unintended ways, I suppose.
There are some people everywhere who needs to be reminded that Social media is not a tool for disputing and abusing.
As for the use of general public...
・At least, refrain from using Twitter for private correspondence.
And refrain from faultfinding battles and pouncing on each other's remarks.
・Just an example; if I dabble in Facebook, it might be when this is designated as correspondence means for local activity or among band members and so on, or when I definitely need for business.
In that occasion, I need to declare that I'm not using for other purpose.
・One of the last year's Buzzwords for the year was a phrase that means photogenic on Instagram.
All I can say is just that it's OK as long as users are having fun, but not to get stressed out.
One more: It's out of question to waste food, and commit unlawful acts and dangerous acts just to take good pictures.
-Are there something else I'm missing?

Other countries aside, nations in our country are already self-conscious enough.
If we use Social media UNNECESSARILY, we are surrounded by too much noise and get exhausted.
 There is a risk that we throw unnecessary noise at others, too.
  -This expression may be inept, then;
In short... it's not good to leap at such things without purpose or expected advantage just because they are in currency and others are using -this is more universal, isn't it?

:Ready to place summery if asked


最終更新日  2018年02月09日 21時41分16秒
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