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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays

Let me place in English because I cannot write Chinese at all and besides, even if I manage to type using Google translation, this weblog might not display.

I'd like to place a heartfelt sympathy for a massive earthquake in Taiwan.
I was shocked at the disaster all the more because the stricken area included a town I visited on tour with Mother in summer 2011.
Let me place a memorable scene in this place:
In the morning in this town, Mother and I went for a morning walk to the seashore.
Mother could speak Chinese a little, so asked an elderly gentleman a shorter way to the seashore, and he answered us in Japanese.

We arrived at and left Taipei at this tour.
During the stay in Taipei, we visited a famous local shrine.
At this Shrine, I offered a prayer -in Japanese, that is; gratitude for supporting survivors a lot after 3.11 earthquake disaster, and wish for grace of God in this Shrine for local people and this island.
Today's another intention is to place this prayer again, and hope that this island and our country will be good friends now and forever.

I understand that in 2011, after a massive earthquake and tsunamis hit vast area of eastern Japan, a large sum of relief donations and supports were sent from Taiwan.
But in that year, government in Japan placed formal gratitude advertisements on major newspapers in U.S,, U.K., China, but Taiwan wasn't included in those areas and countries.
Later, a designer suggested on Twitter to place voluntary formal gratitude advertisement on newspapers in Taiwan, and achieved it with contribution from advocates.

I didn't know about this lamentable fact until a few years ago.
After the earthquake disaster this time, many people in our country thought that now it's our country side's turn to return and took action
-It's important for us to help one another, especially in case of troubles like natural disasters. 
Reportedly, at the stricken area, they accepted rescue squad from our country, but rejected rescue from neighboring Continent country, and neighboring Continent country side repelled.
Stricken area side explains that it was due to the difference of quality of rescue squad.

There is no questioning its right or wrong -but there is online rumor in our country side pointing out that if they accepted rescue from neighboring Continent country, this country would have exploited this earthquake disaster for political gain.



I usually avoid placing proper nouns, but today is an exception, and proper nouns and alternative descriptions are intermingled because it's impossible to write without proper nouns.
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最終更新日  2018年02月19日 19時46分15秒
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[10-line essays] カテゴリの最新記事

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