Serene state of mind


Could you share?: A request for help -for the sake of you and us.

10-line essays(426)

  Now there is no particular reason why I'm still using two languages on this weblog, But it's lucky I'm doing such a thing. Because I can -and I'd like to, and need to take this occasion to call for help. As is already reported worldwide, from this July, abnormal heat in vast area of Japan is warned as fatal and dangerous. Unusually many peoples suffer heatstroke and have been taken to hospital, and fourteen people died during three consecutive holidays in July alone -from July 14th to 16th. There is no talking back if the world say that it's "crazy" to carry out Olympic game under such heat. Some certified weather forecasters and doctors point out the danger, describing that it's insane and madness. Extremely hot summer in Japan -over 35 degrees on Celsius is not only in this year, but almost every year in 2010s. It registered over 40 degrees on Celsius at several observation points. If life is actually lost in Olympic game under intense heat, how do they compensate? I'm afraid I can imagine recrimination battle could go on indefinitely. Why upcoming summer Olympic game is held in such season? Once I thought that they set this schedule in order to relieve congestion by carrying out during summer vacation at school, But I seem to have been wrong. ・I've already heard that large countries pressed to set schedule out of local professional sports season. If this is true, there is a question to those large countries: Do you recognize the risk that athletes from your countries can be killed of heat stroke? So are travelers from your countries. ・One of the reason why our country accepted to hold Olympic game in this period might be because it's easier to recruit volunteer workers during summer vacation at school. I suspect so, because Ministry of sports and Ministry of education are encouraging students to take part in volunteer works during Olympic period, and demanding schools to give attention so that students can take part in volunteer works. There is no accusing students who take part in volunteer work in order to be given preferential distinctions in going on to further education and getting employment. But may I accuse that Olympic committee and panjandrums have no scruples at all about imperilling volunteer workers? Employed workers aside. I cannot disagree with some online articles pointing out that social situation is assimilating to Pacific War period -Simply because I happened to read a long novel thematizing Kamikaze suicide squad in July; how upper-strata of Imperial Japanese Army conscripted and discarded soldiers like ammunition. ・Introducing daylight saving time for countermeasure against heat?   Are they going to upset WHOLE nation's lives only for Olympic game in Tokyo?    Why can't they adjust just the schedule of games? Whatever... at least, the primary ideology seems to be already forgotten; promoting reconstruction from 3.11 earthquake disaster and Olympic game together. In the meantime... that's why I'd like to ask all over the world to keep on raising up questions to Olympic committees and large countries whether it's OK to push ahead such dangerous Olympic game. It's for the sake of athletes in your countries, even if you are not visiting Japan. Superfluously, not as urgent as Tokyo Olympic, but not assumption; It could be time we should consider seriously about having the U.S. accept the hosting of ALL the Olympic games if this country think local nation's spectating is more important than athletes' safety and condition. (Previous) Who is 340,000th visitor!? ◇:Ready to place translation if asked


