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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg 東日本大震災によせて【シリーズ10-line】:ピンクのろうそく

I'm lucky I've kept weblog in this language because I can take this occasion to call for help again.
There have been worldwide concerns about Olympic game in abnormal heat.
So panjandrums abruptly announced to introduce summer time from the next year for countermeasure against heat.

Was this plan reported worldwide? They were about to upset WHOLE nation ONLY for Olympic game in Tokyo.
I cannot help saying that International Olympic committee is also out of their right mind to approve such policy.
I learned at school that summer time was introduced in our country once imitating the U.S. and Europe, but it was abolished, ending in a disaster.
Because it's imprinted into nation that it's work hours while it is still light, and overtime work is a virtue.
Many people damaged health due to lack of sleep
; you might think that our nation is punctual, but on the contrary, they don't have such a concept.
If they bulldoze summer time again, illness and accidents surge among nation already overworking and worn out.
Besides, it upsets WHOLE computer system and atomic clocks in our country -not just labor to set clocks.
 It's already scheduled that Imperial era name changes next year.
  Engineers' burden is no bounds.
Just then, a discussion about abolishing summer time came up from areas and countries currently adopting summer time.
The main reasons are health matters, and energy-saving effect is very slight and up to geographical condition.
I wanted this current feeling of momentum to help spreading worldwide how Chairman Mori's proposal is haphazard and ridiculous.
While I was plotting what and how to write, there was an abrupt move:
 They shelved introduction of summer-time in 2019 after all.
  Then why do I place today's weblog at this late date? There are two reasons.

1. I'd like to take this occasion to ask international society to keep an eye on our country so that they won't go mad and bulldoze haphazard unpractical policies again.
Their explanation about shelving summer-time sounds like it's just because they couldn't gain public understanding.
It means what they care about is public reputation and image than objective practical benefit or disadvantage.
-I just wonder how general public can press panjandrums to realize that raising consumption tax only declines and confuses economy and reduces tax income, which is another story for today.

2. In the first place, this series of fuss comes from thoughtless schedule to bulldoze Olympic game in the off-season of professional sports in large countries, ignoring safety of athletes and audience.
This is my third time to advocate to have the U.S. accept the hosting of ALL the Olympic games if they think local nation's spectating is more important than athletes' safety and condition.
I don't know whether this is the best answer, but upcoming Olympic game in Los Angels might show it.


:Ready to place summery if asked


最終更新日  2018年10月29日 21時29分17秒
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