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Today is 4,700th day of this weblog. As I've noticed, basically I avoid using proper nouns on this weblog, except for weblog about music. Simply in order to be searched less easily. As a result, I've devised alternative expressions to indicate various countries and people. Also, it seems I've formed some kinds of habit or pattern in writing. At the same time, I need to place apology for roundabout sentences. Here's the alphabetical list of those words and expressions. I haven't found expression in our language for the last one. ・Assemblywoman/man (and various occupation names): I'm aware that nowadays we are required to use non-gendered names of occupations and positions. And when I place about people, I avoid identifying gender as much as possible. But occasionally, when I want to -or need to identify gender, I've used gendered old expressions instead of politically-correct words. ・Capital Prefecture: Capital of our country. Sometimes it's not only substitution for a place name but also central administrative system in our country. "Capital City" is capitals of different countries. ・Current: When this word comes in front of official position, organization names, events and so on, paraphrase it as "as of the date when the weblog diary is placed". "Former" "latest" "upcoming" are also ones of those words. ・General public: Ordinary people or nation. Sometimes it's a phrase contrasted with "panjandrums""authorities". ・Longest-operating spacecraft: Twin Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft. However, from 2017, when I mention about space exploration or agencies, I usually place pictures of this plastic model, so there might be no need to explain. ![]() ・Neighboring: If there is nothing mentioned particularly, alternative expressions using geographical features and location and direction are from the point of our country. ・Online postings: Sometimes it's others' Twitter or weblog of general public, and sometimes, comments posted on news websites. ・Our country: The country where I have legal nationality in, even when I'm staying different countries. By any chance I moved to different countries and nationality changed, it would be necessary to think up different alternative expressions. ・Our language: Native language I use in daily lives. Whereas, "this language" is language used in writing "10-line essays", "Music 10-line essays" and "Favorite, Recommendation". ・Panjandrums: General term of governing classes with central political authorities. This word often reflects indignation and irony against politics. ・Sex pests: Chauvinist pigs who commit sexual harassment, especially men who cling to ancient thoughts that lasciviousness is men's nature and treating women as materials is men's privilege. ・White-hat wannabes: General term of people who accuse social evils, immorality and indiscretion, both in real world and online. In many cases, their real aim is temporal sense of justice and transient venting, rather than righting the wrongs. They often mix up defamatory hates and slanders with sound arguments, and attack even others' words. As a result, they encourage building intolerant society, and bring themselves degeneration. cf. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary in my IC dictionary. ◇:Ready to place summery if asked お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2019年04月15日 22時03分51秒
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