カテゴリ:10-line essays
1. Using blood plasma of people who recovered from Novel Corona-virus infection for cure? Putting aside safety, side effects and ethics issues, Since vaccine or specific remedies haven't been completed yet, it's important to find more options for cure. However, no matter how this treatment has great potential, it's not appropriate for our nation yet. First of all, we must get rid of Novel Corona-virus discrimination before taking up plasma treatment. For example, recently, there are workers who were fired just because they were tested for infection. At least, they MUST NOT give plasma treatment to harassers who have treated infected people, their families and schoolmates or coworkers discriminatory, Bullies who have slandered medical workers and people from large cities and so on as virus, Blackmailers who have intimidated facilities and schools where mass infection occurred and shops and facilities on business obeying the rule to prevent infection. -Are you content, White-hat wannabes? 2. Regardless of how many people have gone to travels taking advantage of Traveling Promotion Campaign so far, And leaving aside the risk of infection for today, In the first place, Panjandrums' true purpose is to profit their Hangers-on companies. Therefore, it means if you use this Discount service and go to trips, you'll play right into Panjandrums' hands and profit their Hangers-on companies, doesn't it? To tell the truth, almost two years since I married, but we haven't gone on honeymoon yet. A few people around me incited us to take this occasion to go on honeymoon trip with a good deal, but I rejected. Is it because I should refrain from enjoying the benefits arranged by current Ruling Parties after I didn't vote for them at the latest national election? NO. Otherwise I would have a right to refuse to pay extra consumption tax. Is it because I'm cautious of bullies mentioned above? NO. The wrong ones are White-hat wannabes -justice idiots. Simply because I have asthma -respiratory disease with a risk of aggravation in case I'm infected. Last year, we missed a chance for honeymoon -and maybe semipermanently as of October 2020. Because Husband is a Christian, and even though there are consecutive holidays including Sundays, he always gives top priority to attending Sunday worships; he didn't even bring up where or when to go. So I had hoped we could go to a trip in this year, and came Novel Corona-virus pandemic. Of course, so long as I made a decision to marry a Christian, I understand enough that attending chapel on Sundays is obligation and custom to cherish for Christians. It's just that I regret if only we had gone on honeymoon trip during last year even skipping Sunday service just once! 3. Recently, in New Continent World immigrant nation, news and reports coming up one after another that White-supremacists abuse to colored-race people to go back to Africa or Asia. Based on those Whites' theory, it means those Whites must go back to Europe as well, doesn't it? All who are allowed to live in this Country is Native Americans and Inuits, right? -Well, well, well... The Letter Of Paul To The Romans 12-17 says: Replay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. ◇:Ready to place translation if asked お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2020.10.06 14:09:46
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