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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
Thought-attackers【シリーズ10-line】:鉄瓶2014 Sera o caos Sera a luz【シリーズ10-line】貝のリース 縦.jpg TrabajoOficioMisionY ...【シリーズ10-line】:赤青カスタネット


4. Over the marriage of Emperor Majesty's eldest niece, I only wish that new kinds of prejudice won't formulate among our nation against fatherless families and single-parent families.
This is the very concern since when she announced engagement, low-blow media reported unanimously that her Fiancé (back then) is an only son of a fatherless family
-BEFORE they began to devote a great deal of space to how the Fiancé's Mother has had financial trouble with her ex-fiancé and received the disability benefit illegally, delighting and stimulating White-hat wannabes, imperial haters and gossip-lovers.

5. Do you recognize this national anime movie? 
About one thousand years after a great industrial civilization collapsed due to a world war, the Earth is covered with toxic fungi forest, and miasma from the fungi forest and giant insects endanger the existence of people. The Heroine girl lives in a peaceful small country where is sheltered from miasma by sea wind, but suddenly, troops from a fierce military state invade her country.
Original story of this movie is a lengthy comic by the director of this movie.
This Comic expresses the time set in: Due to global war that burned down the world in seven days, civilization was lost, never to regenerate, and human race came to live Age of everlasting gloaming.
When the movie was released, even the Original Author would have no imagination that the phrase made by the Author could now describe our state in twenty-first century.
After Bubble economy collapsed, society in our state has been expressed as Lost Decade.
Decade became two decades, three decades, and it's said to be four decades.
 Is Pandemic making our state plunge into Age of everlasting gloaming?
  Or since general public have realized how politics influence daily lives, can we bring ourselves bright future?

6. In our state, minimum voting age had been from twenty for a long time, but it was lowered to eighteen.
The age of adulthood is lowered to eighteen from twenty from the next April.
Moneylenders are lowering minimum financeable age from twenty to eighteen.
The minimum age of citizen judges is going to be lowered to eighteen from twenty
, those right or wrong aside for today.
Even under such trends, I hope Panjandrums NEVER lower the participating age of National Pension from eighteen, which is now from twenty.
-Although even teenagers join employees' pension plan and also become the Second insured people of National Pension if they are employed by companies adopting Employees' Pension Insurance.
Why such concern? Not only how Panjandrums face shortage of pension funds after wasting tax money haphazardly.
When minimum voting age was lowered to eighteen, some idiot assemblies suggested that drinking and smoking should be legal from eighteen.
On the second thought, this concern is not practical. Because:
Basically, in case bereaved family pension is granted to issues, benefit period is until first fiscal-year-end after eighteenth birthday.
 In other words, until they graduate high-school.

  Therefore, it's inconsistent to levy pension premium from eighteen-year-old high-school students.
Instead, I'm afraid it's more provable that they require to enroll National Pension from twenty to under sixty-five to qualify for full pension, which is now from twenty to under sixty.

:Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2022.03.11 12:34:53
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