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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
必ず選挙に行きましょう【シリーズ10-line】:和風インテリアランプ しんぶんりぽーとにゅーすなんでもござれ【シリーズ10-line】_苺籠 東日本大震災によせて【シリーズ10-line】:ピンクのろうそく

1. At the latest Lower House election, against general prediction, current Ruling parties won the victory.
 On the other hand, voting rate was desperately law again.
  With a quick bit of math, about half voters didn't vote.
   Although some might have avoided going voting due to concern over infection.
And still, the Premier impudently self-congratulates that they've won national confidence.
After all, they won thanks to organized votes and clothespin votes, didn't they?
I would have to admit how Kishida outgeneraled very well by holding a snap Diet election immediately upon assuming office while people's expectation was still high, without giving enough time for general public to judge.

2. After marriage of current Emperor Majesty's eldest Niece, the next fodder that delighted gossip lovers, Imperial haters and White-hat wannabes was: Her Husband (currently) failed Bar exam while he could have been assured large income if he had passed.
To me, it's construable that they caterwaul among themselves on the assumption that husbands must always be wage-earner and man of the house,
In other words, wives must not earn more than husbands if only temporarily.

I feel like questioning just one thing: Whether they had celebrated the Couple for getting ready to embark on a new life as a decent couple with a firm livelihood if he had passed Bar exam back then.

3. Inviting Winter Olympic game eight years later? Come on!
Our nation is already fed up more than enough.
Haven't they learned anything after catastrophic disaster on Olympic game last year?
An estimation was announced that in case of major earthquake and tsunamis at the seaboard off the Northernmost Prefecture and Northeast area, about two hundred thousand lives can be lost if worst comes to worst.
Protection against disasters is much more urgent and important, isn't it?
Or do they plot to earn expenses for disaster measures?
Or modestly speaking, do they want to remove the blot on our state after Olympic game last summer?
It's also necessary to warn International -no, Ignominious Olympic Committee and large country media that there is no more tax money left in our state to waste to supply them.
IF no other cities take on Olympic game and the Prefectural capital city of Northernmost Prefecture was compelled to accept, the Host city should have a right to charge usage fee for shooting on location to large state media.

:Ready to place translation if asked


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最終更新日  2022.01.14 12:18:02
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