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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015 All 'Bout The Money【シリーズ10-line】:三色信号林檎 まず大人から【シリーズ10-line】:マルビル?いえアロマランプ0001.jpg

I borrowed the title of Shania Twain's song again, but it's not her nor the album "Come On Over".

1. When I was clipping recipe articles on newspaper in the dining room, Husband said beside me that now that men are required to do housework, weekly gossip magazines targeted to middle-aged men should place recipe.
I agree; since it's still impossible to drink out freely like before, they should make some hors d'oeuvres at home by themselves instead of having their wives cook for them.
At the same time, no wonder they hadn't had such programs nor idea for it.
Because those magazines are targeted to moss-headed men who think of women as men's subordinate servants and convenient sexual plaything.

2. When consumption tax was raised, the subjects of reduced tax rate were food and periodical newspaper.
On the other hand, baby-goods and female sanitary items are not the subject.
Back then, criticism rose among our nation that this is a proof that elderly people get special treatment:
Panjandrums have applied reduced tax rate on newspaper which older generation use more, but goods for children bearing the state's future are ineligible.
 However, come to think of it, it was natural.
  Because in our state, older generation men are ruling everything on the assumption that society members are men only.
Men have nothing to do with menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth.

-Well, I know that this conclusion is wrong; Pregnancy doesn't come into existence without both men and women.
But in our state, this is supposed to be matters of only women.

3. Reportedly, less and less highest-rank college students apply for government officials, especially future central bureaucrats.
And more and more younger national civil servants are resigning.

General public bug about this and that how government officials tend to be forced to work long hours due to old-fashioned inefficient works, politicians boss them around and exploit, government offices have stiffening hierarchy with strict pecking order, so young superior students want to go into business world and earn as much as possible while they are young instead of serving to our state with no promising and no worth contributing to, blah-blah-blah.
When I heard the news, I imagined groundlessly:
Formerly, government officials were respected as elites within elites, and even after mandatory retirement, their future was assured by parachuting which is expressed as Descent-from-heaven in our language.
But now, Descent-from-heaven is target of accuse among general public.
Also, so many of those Elites who currently rule our state have been kept in cotton wool, and grown up to care about only protection of their own interests in Ivory tower, and as a result, they build up central government that is blind to the reality.
Facing such negativities, not so many young people are willing to take it upon themselves to build thankless career, unless they are very much aware of issues and strong will to contribute to our state.
Whatever... I insist it's much more serious that less and less college students apply for school teachers.

:Ready to place translation if asked


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