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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015 TrabajoOficioMisionY ...【シリーズ10-line】:赤青カスタネット Power of musicとは【シリーズMusic10-line】_ソウルマトリックスランプ.jpg

1. Reportedly, due to Pandemic, there are women who lapse into poverty and turn to selling themselves;
The very thing that was looked forward to by ignominious fossil men who see women as sexual plaything at the beginning of Pandemic.
 Needless to say at this late date, prostitution is against the law.
  But come to think of it, when it comes to this issue, compared to criticism for women who prostitute themselves, I seldom hear about how to crack down on MEN who buy sex
-While the main object of Anti-prostitution law is to protect women than maintaining public morals.
This was what I felt when high-school girls' prostitution disguised as pay for companionship was social problems and current topics.
Back then, as one of the teenagers whom adults make a sweeping criticism of, I was disgusted how it's unfair that adults accuse only schoolgirls and middle-aged men who buy those girls seem to stay with impunity.

2. Explaining simplistically... For example, there is a couple who are married for ten years or more, having their own business.
If the husband dies after he paid pension premium more than ten years, without receiving disability or old-age pension,
Husband's pension premium is lapsed.
In such situation, the wife can receive three-fourth of old-age pension that was going to be paid to her husband.
Grant age is from sixty to sixty-four; from sixty-five, the wife can receive old-age pension of her own.
This is called Widow's pension.
Its purpose is to prevent the husbands' pension premium from going to waste, in addition to life security of elderly wives.

 Then widower's pension is necessary as well, isn't it?
  Unlike couples of a salaried employee husband and a full-time homemaker wife, couples like mentioned above pay social insurance premium of each.
Also In case that a husband run business of his own and support his wife and pays National pension premium for two, if the wife dies without receiving annuity of her own, pension premium for the wife is nullified.
So is in case that the wife is not a salaried employee nor non-working dependent and pays by herself.
There is a system of Lump-sum death benefit, but compared to Widow's pension, the amount is very little for pension premium that had been paid.

3. Recently, I read that in a country on the opposite side of the Earth seen from our country, where has rich musical culture, a male singer with long career declared that he stopped singing one of his old popular songs.
 The reason is the lyric is too male-centered.

  Putting aside the right or wrong of this declaration,
   From this point of view, we could -or would have to say that too many of Enka songs in our country are antiquated.
Especially songs about star-crossed love; women just cry, hold a grudge, endure or wait for things to change after they get left in the dust by men.


最終更新日  2022年05月23日 14時59分49秒
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