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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
電脳用心【シリーズ10-line】台湾・タロコの橋の欄干 Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg 学園「世界」物語【シリーズ10-line】:何の羽根?

4. Panjandrums bulldoze Twelve-digit ID card system among our nation.
First, they are plotting to repeal current medical insurance card and integrate with ID System.
It means Twelve-digit ID number card is enforced acquisition, while they've claimed that it's up to each nation whether they acquire the ID Card.
Putting aside how much tax money they've wasted and what kind of inconvenience they've created for medical organization,
Now they are plotting to combine current driver's license with Twelve-digit ID Card.
However, I'll NEVER merge them as long as conventional driver's license is valid.
The reason is simple.
It's embarrassing to confess, but about fifteen years ago, I lost my health insurance card.
Fortunately, someone found and took it to the local city office, and a phone call came to me about it.
In order to have my health insurance card returned, I needed to show an identification at the city office.
I could use my driver's license to get back my health insurance card.

It means you had better own more than one means to identify yourself.
If you put all the personal information on only one identification and lose it, how do you get it back?

5. According to self-help patient groups of diabetes, Japanese name of this Disease can provoke misunderstanding and prejudice about this Disease.
So they advocate to change its address term to Japanese pronunciation in English name.

I'm skeptical whether this new naming can change recognition about this metabolic abnormality disease.
On the contrary, the new name sounds so confusing that media will keep noting current disease name with new address term, for example.
Twenty-two years ago, old Japanese name of Schizophrenia was changed.
Back then, this psychiatric disease was already controllable, but the old name sounded as if patient's mind is split and broken apart, and it was discriminative.
When the new disease name was discussed, English name in Japanese pronunciation and abbreviated expression with alphabet emerged as candidates.
In the end, they selected the address term that expresses essence of this psychiatric illness.

Just like when they thought up the new Japanese name of integration disorder syndrome, can't they create better Japanese name of Diabetes?

6. Neighboring Continent state placed an embargo on marine products from our state after radioactive effluent disposals began.
But they lifted the measure, on the condition that those seafood meets security standard in the State.
Should they have done such thing? Instead, why didn't Authority support aquafarmers try to seek different market?
Although it goes without saying that our state must monitor security of marine products from our country.
Even if this State officially resume importing marine food from our state, it's not sure whether those products are sold like before since this Nation is obsessed with opposing anything against our country.
Superfluously, artless question:
 It's no realistic nor wise to cut off relationship with this State completely,
  But after children from our state are attack and killed in this State one after another, why doesn't Authority order our nation not to go to this Country?

◇ :Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2024年11月03日 10時27分07秒
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