Walk in the Spirit


シナリオのない陰謀はない、911(The Lone Gunmen)


​陰謀に予告あり、武漢400​の続きで、) 911の半年前、2001/3/4、 米国で放映のTVドラマ、The Lone Gunmen、​36:26 for anyone looking for the 9/11 prediction part, your welcome​​36分あたりから、そのシーンが登場する、 ​​911発生直後、ブッシュ大統領とライス長官いわく、 ​​​Immediately following the attacks, President George W. Bush stated that: "Nobody in our government at least, and I don't think the prior government, could envisage flying air planes into buildings" and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice claimed: "no-one could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile". (Wiki) 口を揃えて、「政府の要人は私も含め、誰も飛行機がミサイルになるなんて予想もできない、」と、 Breathtaking words from Bush, Rice et al at the time, considering the majority of reports they were getting from multiple security agencies suggested the contrary. This episodes producer(s) either had an inkling of foreknowledge or involvement in the Greatest Show On Earth that took place a few weeks after this was broadcast - or it was an incredible (but highly improbable) coincidence. しかしながら、それを覆すように、このTVプロデューサーは、わずか半年前に911を意識して放映している、さもなくば、​このシーンは単なる偶然だったか、​​シナリオのない陰謀などない、​​​ ウィルスに対抗する​​ / パンデミックは霊的戦い​




