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I went to the grocery store for dinner after work as usual. I was in the mood to have Chinese. I came up with sweet-and-sour pork for dinner after a long time. I was thinking of that and browsed in the grocery store. I just remembered there were some eggs in fridge. And I picked up a quick-cooking for Chinese egg roll with sauce. And then I found the price was over \200. I remembered it was sold for about \ 145 before. Of course I was wondering if I should’ve bought it. I decided not to buy it and to make it. I bought only imitation crab and went home. Yes, it was very good not to use the quick-cooking. Next time I’ll make much sauce and make it better. I’ll write down the recipe for myself! 1. Put two eggs, chopped green parts of leek and sliced imitation of crab in the bowl. Put dashi-soap ( or dashi-soup power and water ) and mix them . 2. Fried the egg until browning it. 3. Put Chinese stock soup, sugar and a little soy-sauce in the water of the pan. And then put chopped leek, imitation crab and dried small shrimp in it. Put the pan in the stove and turn off. Put Katakuriko in it and mix it. Pour the sauce on the egg. Here you go! 会社の帰りにいつものように夕飯の買い物へ。 今日は何だか中華が食べたい気分。 久々に酢豚を作ろう、なんて考えながらスーパーをぐるぐるまわった。 家に卵があることを思い出し、かに玉を作ろうと永谷園のかに玉の素を手にとったら・・・ なーんと200円超えてる値段にびっくり!前は145円くらいで買えたよなあ~と、もちろん 買う手は止まる・・・ いいや、じゃあ自分で適当に作ろう~と、棚に戻し、カニカマだけを買って帰りました。 うん、素を使わなくっても十分おいしいや~ん、と満足満足。 次回は、タレをもっとたくさんたっぷりかけよう、なんて改良の余地はあるけれど、 次回作る時の自分のためにおぼえがき.。ooO 1.卵2個に長ネギの青い部分のみじん切りとカニカマを裂いたものをいれる。 ダシの素と水を少々いれ、よく混ぜる。 2.卵を両面ほんのり焼き色がつくくらい焼く。 3.タレは、水に中華ダシと砂糖としょうゆ少々をいれ、長ネギのみじん切りと、カニカマ を小さく刻んだもの、桜海老をいれ、鍋で熱する。火をとめ、水溶き片栗粉をいれ混ぜ、 卵にかける。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2008.07.10 21:41:22
[recipe] カテゴリの最新記事