もう秋 It’s already autumn
今朝、会社に行く途中おじさんの肩にとんぼが止まってやすんでました。もう東京も秋なんだねところで、ここ最近お気に入りのテレビ番組の『英語でしゃべらナイト』を毎週ビデオとって見てるんだけど、海外で活躍する日本人が毎週ゲストで出てきたりして楽しい。あー私も頑張らなきゃって思ったり、へーこの人こんなに英語話せたんだ~なんてびっくりしたりして。今週はHattori Yukichiというバレエダンサーがゲストでこんな事言ってて、元気がでた。「自分らしくいて、自分に誇りを持って、自分自身を疑わず、他の人が何か言っても、問題ないよ。もし、他の人が何か言ったら、それはあなたの事がうらやましいからで、あなたはそれを誇りに思うべきだよ。」そうだね。人に悪く言われてたのがわかると、気になったり、傷付く事もあるけれど、いちいち気にしないで前に進むのみだね。I saw a dragonfly getting on an old man’s shoulder to take a break on my way to my work this morning.It’s already autumn in Tokyo,isn’t it?By the way I tape and watch my favorite T.V. program named `You should speak English’(It’s kind of a comedy and Educational program) and it’s funbecause you can see Japanese performing in foreign countries on T.V. After I watch it,I think I've gotta make effort studying and ,that man was able to speak English came as a surprise to me. This week a ballet dancer namedHattori Yukichi was on it.And after I heard his words,I was able to have the courage. ``Be yourself andbe proud of yourself and never doubt yourself,no matter what other people say. If people say something,that’s only because they are jealous of you,and you should be proud of it.’’ Yes!! When you find out people are bitching behind your back, you’re gonna worry too much and get hurt. But you don’t worry too much. all you have to do is just advance,isn’t it?