Yesterday I met up with my mother and my sister’s family and jogged at the side ofthe river where you can see wild birds and beautiful flowers.We left home at around 12:30 and got home around at 4 in the afternoon.We jogged and sometimes walked but at least we jogged about for two hours and a half hour. We enjoyed jogging while seeing beautiful various things.Yes, it was comforting but we weretired a little bit.We were able to see Alcedo atthis, egret, cormorant, canard and various unfamiliar wild birds. In addition we saw wild flowers called “ Katakuri “.We jogged while talking with each other since it was a long way. So it felt very good.When we realized my sister and her husband jogged right behind even though theyjogged way back on the way home.My mother said “ Oh, they’re coming! Aya! Don’t lose! “So I dashed as fast as possible! I couldn’t dash that fast!They weren’t able to beat me but I got exhausted.We took a break while drinking coffee. And then we went to the large public bath.I know it but going to the large public bath after jogging was fabulous!It was the best holiday we jogged for few hours and took a bath at the large public bath.We went to the glosery store and my mother made dinner.My husband came later and everybody started to drink.When my husband sees my sister and her husband, they can enjoy drinking.Even if one of them can’t come, they can’t enjoy drinking.They look fun while saying “ Getting all members together, we gotta drink! “ each other.When we got home, my husband said “ Why don’t we go drinking to somewhere! “over and over.昨日は昼から妹夫婦とお母さんと待ち合わせをし、野鳥ときれいな花が見えるという川沿いを走った。昼12時半に家を出て、帰ってきたのは4時近く。途中歩いたりもしたけれど、走った時間は少なくとも2時間半。楽しかったけれど、体も軽い心地よく疲れた。途中、カワセミやシラサギ、鵜、カモ、あとそのほかにも名前を聞きなれないきれいな野鳥を見る事ができ、桜や自生するカタクリの花を見た。長い距離だったから、のんびりおしゃべりをしながら走り、気持ちがよかった。帰り道、妹たちは随分後方にいたはずなのに、気がついたらすぐ後ろにいて、お母さんが「あーこぶたちゃん達が来た~!aya抜かされるなあ~!」なんて言うもんだから、私も必死のダッシュ!これ以上はないという必死の猛ダッシュ=3抜かされずにすんだけれど、へっとへとになりましたっ。。実家でコーヒー飲みながら一息ついたあと、大好きなスーパー銭湯へ。やっぱり空を見ながら入るお風呂は最高です。長い時間走り、銭湯に行き、なんだかとっても理想の休日じゃないですかぁ~。買い物をして実家に戻り、お母さんがごはんを用意してくれた。私のオットも遅れて到着し、みんなで酒盛りになった。うちのオットと妹夫婦が一緒になると、お酒を飲むのが楽しくなるらしく、盛り上がる。メンバーの誰かが抜けてもいまいちらしく、揃ったら飲まないとなんて楽しそう。帰るときもオットはいつまでも名残おしそうに、二次会をしよう。と何度も言っていました。