昨日のリサイタルwent well。教会のみんなが来てくれて嬉しかったな~。でもかなりお疲れモード。昨日の夜LAに帰って今日の昼にまた帰ってきた。は~。なんか最近一日が長い。i always feel like..."was that really this morning??" or "did i really do that today? it feels like so long ago." man we're so crazy. my trio and i met this morning to rehearse AGAIN, like at 8am or something like that. but we spent most of our time sitting in the practice room laughing at ourselves for being crazy enough to schedule so many freaking rehearsals. before we got into the competition we only rehearsed like once a month...but with all the rehearsing we've done i feel like we've have at least 3 years worth of rehearsals. ...cra~zy.