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乗らない騎手@ ちょっとは木馬隠せw あのー、三 角 木 馬が家にあるってどん…
yuri@ Re:三味線(06/22) すごいですね。 私もチャレンジしました…
AntiNEC@ Re[1]:超 超 超  (06/03) いいえ。  エドモントンの夏温度普通 20…
NS. (^^)b@ Re:超 超 超  (06/03) アルバータ州温度おかしい。 32度っ…
AntiNEC@ 迢 超 I'm still trying to figure it out. I'v…
Jun 7, 2005
A few days ago I got a letting in the mail from the government. Now, as soon as I see any letter from the government, I know my day is going to be ruined. Very rarely do I get anything positive from them. 98% ofthe time they are bitching at me for more money. The other 2% of the time, they are sending my tax return cheque, which was my money in the first place and they were too stupid to charge me the correct amount in the first place. But anyway...

So I get this letter, and they say that my current marital status is not the same as what I stated on my tax return. I said that Nadu and I were common law - a year and a half living together should be enough for that, right? I don't know how they can screw that up, but when something seems impossible to get wrong, the government can do it!

The letter said that I have to give back $122 back because of this 'error'. What error? This isn't my fault! The morons in Winnipeg can't figure this out, so their conculsion is that I should just give them more money? ARRGGGG!!!

Well, I sent the a letter telling them what is what, now I have to wait for them to get back to me in a < sarcasm > timely manner < /sarcasm >. But there is no way I'm letting them take back the money that is rightfully mine.

Also we have to make sure that we are indeed common law in the government's eye, as I am trying to sponser Nadu for a permanent residence card so she doesn't have to apply for another student visa this year.

That is my rant of the day. Ahhh, that feels better :)


Last updated  Jun 8, 2005 08:43:45 AM
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