§[ユ楽] [英単語訳ふり] 血液型のこと(毎日ウィークリーより)
§[ユ楽] [英単語訳ふり] 血液型のこと(毎日ウィークリーより)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ To many Japanese, the key to their personality lies not in their ~の手掛かり ~にはなく…にある stars but in their blood types. 星回り Type A's, they believe, are perfectionists and make good 完ぺき主義者 有能な経理になる accountants; Type B's are sociable but selfish. 社交的な Now one of Japan's favorite pop beliefs is running into 通俗的な信念 ~に遭う accusations of abuse and discrimination, with critics saying it 非難 暴言 不当な扱い 批判をする人 is being used to assign jobs, match couples, even pigeon hole 仕事を割り当てる 分類する schoolchildren. Irate scientists are attacking the theory in books and Web pages. 激怒した Magazines are examining the debate in articles with titles like," Don't bully Type B." いじめる The debunkers point out that blood type is determined by the (理論の)誤りを暴く人 で決定される proteins in the blood - hardly a determinant of character. タンパク質 "It's mere superstition," says Sato Tatsuya, associate professor 迷信 助教授 of psychology at Ritsumeikan University. 心理学 "Linking blood type and personality is not only unscientific, it' ~を…と関連付ける 非科学的な s wrong." Kikuchi Ryoichi of the Broadcasting Ethics and Program 放送倫理番組向上機構 Improvement Organization, says his watchdog group has fielded 監視団体 処理する hundreds of complaints. "viewers are now complaining about their children being bullied 視聴者 at school, couples breaking up and bosses treating underlings 別れる 部下 unfairly - all because of blood type prejudice," he said. 不当に 偏見 Newspaper polls show only 20 percent of Japanese say they're 世論調査 convinced that blood type influences personality. 確信して But the theory,imported from its Nazi supporters and adopted by ナチス 導入する Tokyo's militarist government in the 1930s, is wildly popular 軍国主義の 非常に nonetheless. It is also wide spread in South Korea. 普及する