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Sattva- Part 3




アーユルヴェーダでは、食事(アハラ)は、入っていくものと定義されています。つまり食事は口から取り入れるものに限らず、目、鼻、耳、思考から入ってくるものも含まれます。 何を見て、聞いて、かいで、考えるかと言うことにも注意を払うべきです。これらすべてがサトヴィックでなけらばなりません。つまり心をリラックスさせ、平和的にして、決して混乱させたり、鈍らせたり、とまらせてはいけません。どんな音楽をきくのか、どんなTV番組をみるのか、心へどんな考えを入れるのか気をつけなければいけません。音楽なら、クラシックやスピリチュアルなものなど落ち着けるものを、同じく落ち着く香りやポジティブな考え方を選びましょう。そいうこともサットヴァを増やします。



in the first two notes, I had briefly explained how important Sattva is for both manifestation as well healing of the diseases. Also I had mentioned that when Sattva is low, the intelligence does not function and we do things which are self destructive or will cause imbalance in our body systems. In order to heal physical, mental disease and for functioning of our intelligence we need to enhance sattva. How do we do that?

Sattva- refers to peaceful or relaxed state of mind. Sattva also means pure, clean and fresh. According to Ayurveda we apply the rule 'like increases and opposite decreases", which means foods, things, activities which have similar qualities as that of Sattva will increase it and those with opposite will decrease it. Fresh, natural, organic, and vegetarian foods increase sattva, so try to include these types of foods in your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables, cooked/boiled or steamed vegetables, vegetable soups, grains, cereals, porridge, whole grain breads, salads, pure fruit juices, herbal teas, water, fresh milk, fresh home made butter, ghee, buttermilk, nuts, dry fruits, seeds and honey increase sattva. Food should be eaten freshly prepared and cooked.

Canned foods, old kept foods items (left overs), processed foods, foods containing chemicals/preservatives, deep fried and heavily spiced foods, junk foods and meat should be avoided as they will increase rajas and tamas. In addition, stimulants like caffeine (coffee, chai/black tea), alcohol, smoking, fizzy drinks and drugs should not be taken.

In Ayurveda food (ahara) is defined as that which goes in. So food is not only limited to what goes into our mouth but also includes things that go in through our eyes, nose, ears or thoughts. We should be careful about what we watch, hear, smell and think. All these should be 'sattvic' which means should make the mind relaxed and peaceful and NOT disturb or make the mind dull and inert. So be careful what kind of music you hear, what kind of television shows you watch, and what thoughts are going on in your mind. Chose music that is soothing (classical, spiritual), watch programs which relax you (history, culture, humor), use soothing aromas and think positive. These will also increase sattva.

Lastly, take good care of yourself, protect your body and mind from outer disturbances, and enjoy life. Do not forget that we are all 'souls' and are temporary residents of this body. One day we all have to leave this body. So what's the fight about, whats the stress about, whats the competition about? We are all in the 'transit' waiting for our flights. So let us enjoy this wonderful opportunity we have been given to do something good and positive. Let us live with love, help each other, and do something constructive. Start from today- Sattvic food (ahar), sattvic life style (vihar), sattvic thoughs (vichar) and see the difference in yourself in one month.


最終更新日  2010.10.30 15:10:53
[パルタップ先生の健康になるための一言] カテゴリの最新記事

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