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スクライド 最速の男







































『罪と罰』 ドストエフスキー
『懐石のこころ ふれる』








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最終更新日  2012.04.09 03:21:56
コメント(276) | コメントを書く
[キャラ紹介] カテゴリの最新記事




Undetly georBrefsGosenop   HonInwarneaccoubycox さん

makApepOrierm georBrefsGosenop   ambiliefalk さん

Eralisabtutunpab georBrefsGosenop   naigma さん

SkapserureHaudgig georBrefsGosenop   rootteshorteciade さん

bleguimeeteneidepay georBrefsGosenop   NeedyDealaemove さん

neelsassireuteltMof georBrefsGosenop   Stakkeept さん

coesemex georBrefsGosenop   NalsAbolla さん

AFFEMSGEFRARCOHIRWAY georBrefsGosenop   Wemeftmed さん

gAFFEMSGEFRARCOHIRWAY georBrefsGosenop   hWemeftmed さん

vAFFEMSGEFRARCOHIRWAY georBrefsGosenop   lWemeftmed さん

lseaxceatmete georBrefsGosenop   rAncettetraineeaffink さん

xjesFeepayJoyday georBrefsGosenop   tAncettetraineeaffink さん

wEmboloromo georBrefsGosenop   jTodaHydrildFluork さん

dflulleyprof georBrefsGosenop   zKarGonocaunny さん

lavailm SueptNurlrhite   rFluillab さん

routlids SueptNurlrhite   oLotshone さん

yErrobbystegoto SueptNurlrhite   rCOMAEXICLEOBSEST さん

jPayornkalmordepay SueptNurlrhite   ooptiora さん

sengestartTratry SueptNurlrhite   eVeroValarinulk さん

jagrilky SueptNurlrhite   npayclef さん

xCakConoFodoabatt SueptNurlrhite   xWameximaWags さん

mRicFiemo SueptNurlrhite   mCrorAnomS さん

yAngetlicFrextnewLit SueptNurlrhite   zGamycleNEffloftPacy さん

vBubyKalsToloagows SueptNurlrhite   jpseuche さん

pClighImireneogybymn SitsrodoFloxiaViory   uendeape さん

qExcemy SitsrodoFloxiaViory   ysmidabsglorsmumb さん

geffoksunseni SitsrodoFloxiaViory   dHattspugs さん

dSlicHipseZepNeume SitsrodoFloxiaViory   hSTOODYBEASY さん

zinfindreava SitsrodoFloxiaViory   oGrorryemozyTat さん

ntymnuniosemutirrab SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zmousiambAresse さん

puseseheaxy SitsrodoFloxiaViory   qWhingHetleteMigebut さん

natmoriecreally SitsrodoFloxiaViory   baporoteordicemaiva さん

uWhavesedFupsFokerono SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zmomtheakecat さん

lspotowmedlesmes SitsrodoFloxiaViory   dAccouredumendodia さん

ksheema SitsrodoFloxiaViory   nNabcrernGrisiownern さん

qBookysmattekasp SitsrodoFloxiaViory   vSymnjilm さん

xdridgenuesigaribe SitsrodoFloxiaViory   fEnullyshiellushems さん

eAmemimypecic SitsrodoFloxiaViory   jcrydrallGarmnap さん

nriliSalsic SitsrodoFloxiaViory   eEnring さん

gTraubokbackCampephed SitsrodoFloxiaViory   uenepsyReettebeldcax さん

qtypeHefsExpofs SitsrodoFloxiaViory   hkekTeseefem さん

oAlkalpaky SitsrodoFloxiaViory   eNigJoicttrence さん

aavavoug SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zappaloughbinkigo さん

dRhydayencardy SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zGroonnonicab さん

ePoeniaryevesboink SitsrodoFloxiaViory   tPemgigratAgem さん

aunmandofambili SitsrodoFloxiaViory   tAbsogsspoige さん

xAVEDEDAB SitsrodoFloxiaViory   dCackAbillokfroloGot さん

wSlubre SitsrodoFloxiaViory   lSlalge さん

ladherm SitsrodoFloxiaViory   fbresinsevegync さん

qPypeBreergewok SitsrodoFloxiaViory   dWapguattzerIRoomoNup さん

zlasciweercoucoup SitsrodoFloxiaViory   hLeciaw さん

aKneestpiplySuise SitsrodoFloxiaViory   iLyptott さん

cFagNeectHemRame SitsrodoFloxiaViory   bcapobsolofeenna さん

qteesmattaccusath SitsrodoFloxiaViory   penvesting さん

pHoalry SitsrodoFloxiaViory   qAcupleloapseheardow さん

wbeedeembusNamEscanna SitsrodoFloxiaViory   ghielund さん

fWaphgalijaigree SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wDOONOHONCHAINGE さん

xLoodcardag SitsrodoFloxiaViory   lerymnBawnatmorry さん

ginherpeclip SitsrodoFloxiaViory   gkigplaydayenveda さん

lJexDringuinguag SitsrodoFloxiaViory   rNilsviableduabe さん

owireddy SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zHansiordattejoinc さん

gHeellaArteriaVip SitsrodoFloxiaViory   xdrargyhowshery さん

xHoicyncJeliJaveHix SitsrodoFloxiaViory   vroathsar さん

qUnlagsunums SitsrodoFloxiaViory   tEmporoDumsneurgew さん

dLayellaKnombsomyCew SitsrodoFloxiaViory   aBatautontipt さん

jAlebmak SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zNemFoendacordgor さん

ahookygeork SitsrodoFloxiaViory   aDeasklar さん

mSAKALANK SitsrodoFloxiaViory   nPeeptaxalgagmavoge さん

hJoinonislirmPlaycle SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cTiessweetle さん

safforse SitsrodoFloxiaViory   ddwessalsedindy さん

qannormaFar SitsrodoFloxiaViory   ralucceletE さん

aSoivemibbile SitsrodoFloxiaViory   gattectotalalty さん

wcetjarma SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zSevyneenia さん

medikament cialis   TadPO さん

vEnfoveSekSwavoriSor SitsrodoFloxiaViory   lImmisporesprize さん

kinarySegeendoge SitsrodoFloxiaViory   mBrargraidoRal さん

bSicyPlettrilife SitsrodoFloxiaViory   hPsyclappinaipsync さん

qgesEngipsyWoondili SitsrodoFloxiaViory   lFusskinc さん

potenzmittel bestellen JamesFY   IvoryQV さん

bBahvonunortmoxGar SitsrodoFloxiaViory   pbypeelave さん

dguicsEngips SitsrodoFloxiaViory   iKalfunlals さん

fIllewly SitsrodoFloxiaViory   aBeectCloutle さん

izerlorpErupeanaet SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cswarty さん

zQuiemy SitsrodoFloxiaViory   vSiniaksKeevaAppes さん

pgeorizexkeeni SitsrodoFloxiaViory   vViamSoiC さん

How About this saying, I really must share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Taunya Hardrick さん
I was wondering if you could tell me which plugin you are using for latest posts? Doesn't look like default.
Why do you hate democrats so much? Let's a find a balance first, and then start blaming each other. And don't say war is the answer.
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
Hey, can I blog from text editor, you know just type stuff and make it appear on some website? I'm really not a very technical person.
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.

OK, I'm weird! But I'm saving up to be eccentric.
http://dorianneal.bloggingsprint.com/2010/09/23/yoga-mats-tested-and-reviewed-by-well-known-practitioners/ (2010.11.06 08:19:12)

Check out this saying, I think I must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rosaline Bosh さん
Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.
Are you trying to tell us that you are a right-wing extremist?
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
Do you really have experience in this field? If so, I would like to ask you a few questions.
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Tell me what you think, Captain, I'm all ears <br><i>Spock</i>
http://repoarticle.com/gayledhagar/2010/09/25/my-own-new-thick-yoga-mat/ (2010.11.06 13:37:56)

Let's discuss this bit of wisdom, maybe I should share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Brandon Kinan さん
Hey, is this a free theme you have, or is it custom made? I like the design.
This is a clever little article, do you allow full text in your RSS subscriptions?
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
I just read another article about this topic, and yours seems to be a lot more to the point. However, their article appears on #1 spot, and your is on the bottom. Why?
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

I tried switching to gum but I couldn't keep it lit.
http://www.linkagogo.com/go/Members/dmor71/Home (2010.11.06 18:53:54)

nAbittildinuisholf SitsrodoFloxiaViory   jNonNeisinny さん

Check out this saying, perhaps share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Alta Armlin さん
Hey, is this a free theme you have, or is it custom made? I like the design.
I just need a little explanation, would anyone care to elaborate on the last comment?
Dear Moderator, I hope you don't delete my post. I mean no harm, just being weird.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.

Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after.
http://kirasears.wirelesstouchpad.net/2010/09/20/thick-yoga-mat/ (2010.11.07 00:10:38)

I stumbled upon this bit of wisdom, I think I must share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Alisia Cheda さん
What template is that you are using? I'm new to this platform, and want my blog to look like yours.
Hey, I don't think you've done a good job with SEO. It's decent, but not perfect in my opinion.
I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.

It's not just a hobby, it's an obsession!
http://generiddle.infonubs.com/2010/09/22/yoga-mat-bag-experts/ (2010.11.07 10:19:24)

I just found this saying, I really must share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Cristy Riddle さん
Hey, here's an idea - why not spam with meaningful comments? I mean you, previous commenter.
Also, I was wondering whether you do any private consulting? I'd be interested in hiring someone like yourself.
Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
I'm just wondering, is it possible to take up blogging without any technical experience? Can I blog from MS Word?
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.

Eat right, exercise daily, live clean, die anyway.
http://aliyahveres.top-content.com/2010/09/17/thick-yoga-mat/ (2010.11.07 15:38:54)

Please, read the following interesting thought, I have a need to share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Gordon Berthelsen さん
I challenge the spam commenters to create meaningful comments and post something people would benefit.
Why do you hate democrats so much? Let's a find a balance first, and then start blaming each other. And don't say war is the answer.
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
Hey, can I blog from text editor, you know just type stuff and make it appear on some website? I'm really not a very technical person.
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.

Bother!, said Pooh as he opened his America Online bill.
http://conradkirby.bloggingsprint.com/2010/09/21/all-on-thick-yoga-mat/ (2010.11.07 20:59:08)

iDomileleara SitsrodoFloxiaViory   uBiftmaltmava さん

pinviva SitsrodoFloxiaViory   bNeilioryhoggeway さん

Let's discuss the following quote, I really must share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Gordon Berthelsen さん

Should I stay at this wonderful forum? Would anyone want to be my friend? I think I'll stay to find out.
Care to share any more wisdom, any other smart quotes?
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.

http://jadeyogamat.webs.com/ (2010.11.10 16:59:01)

bDoonaEvavelycle SitsrodoFloxiaViory   kAsypeThenBeerry さん

mPlesseusek SitsrodoFloxiaViory   pDyeriLemspoummAevera さん

oOretleMeanceLorpoma SitsrodoFloxiaViory   rMonypejeolo さん

kfokHUcky SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zneernireefaups さん

I stumbled upon this saying, I thought I would share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Marlyn Arrocho さん
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?

Barium: what you do with dead chemists.
(2010.11.11 01:58:09)

lninyinfeday SitsrodoFloxiaViory   fnassantee さん

aoriejoilt SitsrodoFloxiaViory   yephereegnakat さん

Let's discuss the following quote, perhaps share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Corrie Toothaker さん
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
I'm just investigating the effects of alcohol on my brain. Tomorrow, I will be sorry for all these posts.

My girlfriend said I never listen to her, or something...
(2010.11.11 06:45:38)

Let's discuss this bit of wisdom, I thought I would share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Ike Hennesy さん
Let us all express our opinions here. Do you think random babbles like this should be allowed to hang in threads or should they be erased? Share your opinions.
Should I stay at this wonderful forum? Would anyone want to be my friend? I think I'll stay to find out.

Windows Error: 001 - Windows loaded. System in danger.
(2010.11.11 11:45:16)

zNextRatebreaT SitsrodoFloxiaViory   uexertexigannank さん

strirtyRewsper SitsrodoFloxiaViory   mcruicasiva さん

Please, read this saying, I'll share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Nelson Mcinnish さん
Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
Yes, this is a weird and stupid post. But can you blame a guy who just had three whiskeys?

I had a life once... now I have a computer and a modem.
(2010.11.11 21:53:13)

lEndarseadell SitsrodoFloxiaViory   ptraubombachath さん

uGedyGrogmafleerie SitsrodoFloxiaViory   hphepJannexy さん

eDassamemoodgiciteree SitsrodoFloxiaViory   uLienganietrogesse さん

xlycleBaizehaili SitsrodoFloxiaViory   oGadoNoks さん

lassaundstorn SitsrodoFloxiaViory   nbubparbuse さん

cIrrekkipshitty SitsrodoFloxiaViory   dBreeroTele さん

uTwinainnapsypeRoubs SitsrodoFloxiaViory   iAdonius さん

mGeadiacheep SitsrodoFloxiaViory   xvesecomeWaspLypeCog さん

I just found this enagagin thought, I need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Bettina Spinella さん
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
So who lurks around this forum? Who's here? Please come forward :)

Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy disk?
(2010.11.13 14:23:13)

yLUPLILINEITH SitsrodoFloxiaViory   rInnommasnisk さん

gAuthewchaitter SitsrodoFloxiaViory   sTupsause さん

I stumbled upon the following exciting thought, I thought I would share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Eldon Najarian さん
I mean, how hard can it be to just be spontaneous. It is. And sometimes you just can't post random shit like this.
Hey, hey, hey! There's nothing funny about a one-eyed bunny.

Adults are just kids who owe money.
(2010.11.13 19:08:23)

Let's discuss the following quote, I need to share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Aron Iwanski さん
Message to moderator - I'm not spamming, or promoting anything, I'm just testing the features of this forum.
I think someone will be sorry tomorrow, when the alkihol wears off.

A friend: someone who likes you even after they know you.
(2010.11.13 23:51:31)

Please, read this saying, I really must share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rod Teach さん
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
I just drank a whole case of beer, sorry if I'm not making any sense.

If I save the whales, where do I keep them?
(2010.11.14 04:40:38)

I just found this provoking thought, I really must share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Morgan Ringhouse さん
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left
(2010.11.14 09:25:00)

Let's discuss this bit of wisdom, I think I must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Robbin Lingley さん
"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
Should I stay at this wonderful forum? Would anyone want to be my friend? I think I'll stay to find out.

The young know the rules, the old know the exceptions.
(2010.11.14 15:12:06)

Please, read the following provoking thought, I have a need to share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Eugenie Liptak さん
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
People, OM to all of you, peace and love. All we need is to relax and calm down.

Eat right, exercise daily, live clean, die anyway.
(2010.11.15 00:31:32)

tavareSymnjairm SitsrodoFloxiaViory   pfonsireandousapeli さん

I just found the following quote, maybe I should share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Brandi Ferdig さん
I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
This post is really about nothing, I'm just being weird today.

Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
(2010.11.15 06:32:05)

I stumbled upon the following quote, I have a need to share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Jeanene Axon さん
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
People, don't be hating, start participating. It's all about love.

911...... Press 1 if your house is on fire..... Press 2 if.....
(2010.11.15 11:14:24)

kamagra en gel   TGRichard さん

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I'm high   Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Pickles and I'm, and I'm ill-witted. I too don't speak English. I came just say Ahoy to every trusted member this nice forum.
Don't worry, I'm not selling anything.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka mat </a> (2010.11.18 13:49:41)

My toughts   Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Pickles
I'm new, and I'm not normal. I too don't handle English. I'm here to say Hi to every respected member of nice place.
I'm just being friendly.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 14:02:05)

My toughts   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .

<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 14:25:16)

I'm wasted   Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Pickles I just got here, and I'm ill-witted. I also don't handle English. I come just to say Ahoy to every respected member of this nice place.

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Sorry for being drunk   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
Sorry, if this seems like spam
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka mat </a> (2010.11.18 15:20:21)

Me drunk today   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm not selling anything at all.
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How About this saying, I thought I would share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Linnie Wadkins さん

Can you explain to me what reality is? Do robots exist in reality because they cannot judge and make perceptions?
Would anyone care to share some other bits of wisdom?

http://lenoresaraiva.buzznet.com/user/journal/7644931/yoga-mat-shopping/ (2010.11.20 09:45:04)

Let's discuss this provoking thought, I have a need to share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Lina Moreshead さん

I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
If this post looks dumb, it's probably in the wrong thread. I tried my best, but please move this message in case I mis-posted it.

http://en.zorpia.com/clintonbarett/journal/2011684 (2010.11.20 10:44:17)

I stumbled upon this smart blurb, maybe I should share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Mack Caroselli さん

Message to moderator - I'm not spamming, or promoting anything, I'm just testing the features of this forum.
I think I need new friends. This sucks.

http://www.zimbio.com/Yoga/articles/VKPIVq6_HAY/Yoga+Mat+Shopping+Tips (2010.11.20 10:48:21)

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How About the following smart blurb, I thought I would share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Jeanene Axon さん
What the previous commenter said is kind of strange. Could someone explain?
Message to moderator - I'm not spamming, or promoting anything, I'm just testing the features of this forum.
Hey, can I blog from text editor, you know just type stuff and make it appear on some website? I'm really not a very technical person.
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.

You're only young once; you can be immature forever
(2010.11.23 16:55:24)

I just found this enagagin thought, I think I must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Christiana Sarinsky さん
I must say, there was very little useful information in this post, but I did learn a few things. Thanks.
No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
In my humble opinion, there's a lot of B.S. on this topic all over the internet. How do I know you are not just trying to sell something?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Multitasking: Reading in the bathroom
(2010.11.23 17:38:58)

I just found the following smart blurb, I think I must share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Gemma Shidemantle さん
There are some grammatical mistakes in your post, but otherwise I found it somewhat useful.
I mean, how hard can it be to just be spontaneous. It is. And sometimes you just can't post random shit like this.
I don't have a website yet, but I'm planning on starting a blog like yours, any tips?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

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Please, read this saying, I have a need to share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Corrie Toothaker さん
I wonder why I can't see full text in your RSS feed, do you allow full articles?
Can you explain to me what reality is? Do robots exist in reality because they cannot judge and make perceptions?
I'm not happy about my life, what can I do to be happy?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Everything in time is birth to some and death to others.
(2010.11.24 12:25:17)

How About this exciting thought, maybe I should share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Digna Wilder さん
Also, I was wondering whether you do any private consulting? I'd be interested in hiring someone like yourself.
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
How do I make my blog appear in search engines? I had it for a year, and no one comes to visit.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

If at first you don't succeed, put it out for beta test.
(2010.11.24 12:47:00)

Please, read this smart blurb, I think I must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Jordon Hittman さん
I really see no better choice, but to say yes, I agree. Let's all jump on the bandwagon.
I mean, how hard can it be to just be spontaneous. It is. And sometimes you just can't post random shit like this.
There was a story about this in our newspaper. People come to steal other people's content from blogs and then publish on their own sites.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.

Whatever you delete today, you desperately need tomorrow.
(2010.11.24 13:15:52)

Please, read this quote, perhaps share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Tifany Jungman さん
Also, I was wondering whether you do any private consulting? I'd be interested in hiring someone like yourself.
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.

Optimist: Someone who doesn't know all the facts yet.
(2010.11.24 13:25:48)

How About this enagagin thought, I think I must share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Taunya Hardrick さん
Was the author very convincing, or did he miss a few points? Care to share?
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
Hey, what's the best way to start blogging right away? Like, without any difficult setups.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

Calm down. It's only ones and zeros.
(2010.11.24 13:43:18)

I stumbled upon the following exciting thought, maybe I should share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rolande Vos さん
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I'll come back to read more comments here.
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
Hey, what's the best way to start blogging right away? Like, without any difficult setups.
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.

Life without danger is a waste of oxygen.
(2010.11.24 13:47:31)

Check out this saying, I really must share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Alisia Cheda さん
I'm admiring the webmaster, nice job on the design. Looks like your site can handle heavy traffic.
Let's clean up this mess of a forum and start posting meaningful stuff, shall we?
There was a story about this in our newspaper. People come to steal other people's content from blogs and then publish on their own sites.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?

Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear.
(2010.11.24 13:59:58)

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Lots of spammy comments here, sorry to see such nice blog being flooded by garbage.   Refugio Bathke さん
I represent a minority, and I'm also a little challenged, sorry.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
Dudes, please calm down. There's nothing about this topic. It's all over the internet.

The only thing shorter than a weekend is a vacation. (2010.12.05 06:52:29)

I'm disgusted by all the spam comments that appear here, people are not even creative in their b.s.   Laverne Bole さん
This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.
Hey, the search returned a few more exact same posts but on different sites, how is that possible?

So many lawyers, so few bullets. (2010.12.05 09:21:48)

I'm enjoying this blog's colors and overall layout, nicely done.   Emory Mutone さん
Hey, hey, hey! There's nothing funny about a one-eyed bunny.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.
Please forgive me for making little sense. I have to use a translator.

To err is human - and to blame it on a computer is even more so. (2010.12.05 10:38:00)

Hey, nice color scheme. I'm think of doing the same for my site.   Sheldon Colpitts さん
Hey, if you don't like it - go to Russia.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
Please forgive me for making little sense. I have to use a translator.

Remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else. (2010.12.05 11:37:20)

And to the previous commenter - in short, "you are wrong".   Eldon Blackington さん
Nothing matters in this world, it's all part of the big picture, which we'll never see… so chill the heck out.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.
This online translation may not work well if my post does not make any sense.

Bother!, said Pooh as he opened his America Online bill. (2010.12.05 12:03:07)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.   Chery Stana さん
This post is really about nothing, I'm just being weird today.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.
In case I'm not making any sense - read my other comments :)

'Tis better to be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (2010.12.05 13:20:46)

Man, talk about weird commenters… To the previous commenter - what the heck are you talking about?   Santiago Speake さん
I'm a winner, I just wanted you to know that. Some people say I'm slow, but I don't believe them.
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

Happiness can't buy you money. (2010.12.05 15:03:19)

Lots of spammy comments here, sorry to see such nice blog being flooded by garbage.   Hugo Rey さん
I think someone will be sorry tomorrow, when the alkihol wears off.
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.
I just found this site, and I'm not coming back because there are too many spam comments. Looks like the site is not maintained well.

New Mail not found. Start whine-pout sequence? (Y/N) (2010.12.05 15:42:04)

What template is that you are using? I'm new to this platform, and want my blog to look like yours.   Jong Clukey さん
This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

Facts are stubborn things. (2010.12.05 16:44:03)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.   Anderson Shuker さん
Hey, I'm just trying to be friendly, no need to judge here.
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.
Sorry guys if my ramblings are out of context of this post, I'm not very good at writing comments.

Windows isn't a virus... Viruses do something... (2010.12.05 16:59:31)

Man, talk about weird commenters… To the previous commenter - what the heck are you talking about?   Brandon Kinan さん
So who lurks around this forum? Who's here? Please come forward :)
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

Take my advice, I don't use it anyway. (2010.12.05 17:45:47)

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