


■ この写真は、温泉郷の前を流れる「荒雄川」の対岸からの・・・・・ 「鳴子温泉」の夜景です。 ■ 別府湾から「別府温泉郷」望む、それと見間違うほどのこのロケーション・・・・・ さすが「東」・「西」、温泉の横綱! ■ あえて「別府」の夜景を想像すれば・・・ お月さまの真下に、届くほどの「鶴見岳」・・・ ややその右下に、真夏に燃える「扇山」 ■ 天下を分け合う「両横綱」・・・ 大自然のエネルギーを、人の世の夢と、しあわせのためにささげてほしい・・・・・!。 ■* From the opposite shore of "Arao river" where this picture flows in front of the hot spring village.... The night view of "Naruko Onsen". ■ This location which is to the extent "Beppu hot spring village" is mistaken for that I desire, from Beppu Bay..... The grand champion sumo wrestler who are "Higashi" "west" and a hot spring indeed! ■ Anyway when the night view of "Beppu" is imagined.... "Tsurumidake" which is to the extent it reaches just below Mr. month... "Ogiyama" who burns with the lower right at midsummer little ■ The "two grand champion sumo wrestlers" who share the world... I want you to sacrifice the energy of the great outdoors to happy purpose with a dream of the world.....! 健康一筋 お!茶しま専科健康通販倶楽部を応援しています。 http://ww w.rakuten.co.jp/daiichi/


