「シャンバラ 勇者の道」 <10>
「シャンバラ 勇者の道」 <10> <9>より続く 先日から「恐怖」というものにフォーカスしていた。そしたら私の道案内であるOshoのニューズレターの今月号は「恐怖は克服されるのではなく、理解されるべきだ」というタイトルだった。 それともうひとつ。今日、本屋で、何気にOshoの本をめくった。そこが、最近感じていたことへのアドバイスとして、ぴったりだったので、抜書きしておく。本屋で手にとったのは日本語版だったが、私がもっているのは英語版だったので、そのまま転記。Q:I heard You say that the center of our buddhahood is at the "hara" point inside the body. Is there also a sleeping buddha energy in our hearts and in the third eye? Do we all have the same potential of remembering, each one with his or her unique expression of creativity? Please comment.A:The hara center is the souce of all your energy. It can grow just like a tree grows from the roots into different branches.According to a different calculation of Patanjali, the energy can be divided into seven centers, but the original source remains the hara. From the hara it can it can go up.The seventh center is in the head, and the sixth center is what you call the third eye. The fifth center is in our throat, and the fourth center is the exactly in the middle: the heart. Blow the heart there are three centers, above the heart there are three centers. But all these seven centers grow like a tree from the original source of the hara. That's why, in Japanese, suicide is callde hara-kiri. People don't cut their throats, they don't cut their heads. They simply pierce a small knife into the hara center---just exactly two inches below the navel---and the person dies. And you will not know at all somebody has committed suicide. Just the energy is released from the body, the source is opend.I am trying to take you to the very original source. From there, it is up to you to bring your energy into any center want. OSHO from THE ZEN MANIFESTO p182 <11>につづく