The OSHO Nothing Book<0>
「The OSHO Nothing Book」<0>an invitation to create and celebrate・・・Vol.2 No.498 ★★★★★謹 賀 新 年新年の一冊目は、この一冊。200ページのこの本には、文字が印刷されていない。読者は、その空白を読む。このブログは、まもなく21番目のカテゴリにはいり、やがては、無言の世界に戻る。だから、今年はこの一冊でスタート。Cling to nothing---only then can you come to the very end of the world.And the end is the begininigand the caos is the creation.Cling to nothing---that is enough.When nothing is left,that is the truth.When nothing is left with you,only your pure being,that is the truth.The bamboo is empty inside.That's how a man should be---grounded, ever green,young, fresh, alive, pulsating,streaming with energy, dancing, celebrating,and yet empty inside,just empty like a bamboo.When you become a non-being, when you are not,then God is・・・To experience the zerois to experience oneself.In that emptinessyou are revealed to your own self.You come home.Zero means all,because out of nothing is born alland to nothingis goes back again.The moment you become nobody,the moment you are ready to become a nothing,suddenly God erupts in you.Let the great nothing happen to youand through it everything happens on its own accord.The man who lives in nothingin tune with nothing,has arrived!When you are empty,truth can enter you.If you want to be, then learn not to be.from OSHOa master of nothingness・・・ <00>につづく