Here are 20 of the week’s best photos: The Washington Postから3枚
April 16, 2017 Residents view the first iceberg of the season as it passes the South Shore, also known as Iceberg Alley,” near Ferryland in Newfoundland and Labrador. Jody Martin/ReutersApril 19, 2017 Models struggle against strong winds on the rooftop of Ginza Six mall in Tokyo before the rehearsal of Christian Dior’s live show to celebrate the company’s new flagship store. Toru Hanai/ReutersApril 15, 2017 North Korean female soldiers take part in a military parade in Pyongyang to celebrate the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the grandfather of current ruler Kim Jong Un. Photos from North Korea during celebration of the birth of late leader Kim Il Sung Wong Maye-E/AP1枚目:家の前までこんな氷山が迫るとちょっと怖いです。2枚目:ギリシャ・ローマ神話に出てくる女神様のようで、マリリンモンローの地下鉄の通気口の写真を凌駕した傑作だと思いますが。3枚目:明日ミサイルが飛んで来ないと良いと思いいます。