Today, I was relieved so much. I could feel my development coz of MBAcourse(business school).
Last year, I was feeling anxious about my skill as a business person. Now is not so bad...but it shouldn't stay like this for the future. I need to develop SOMETHING and change SOMETHING before I reach to 35yo. Otherwise I must be a vague, useless as an entrepreneur. What's SOMETHING...? and how to get it? I was serching for the way... Finally the thing I've decided is to learn about business administration systematically and develop my English skill. I'm really in a good mood today coz I could feel the good differences compared to before when I made a new project plan. It's only two months since I began study in graduate school, but I'm accepted a benefits already. Thank God! お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2012.06.02 01:20:14
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