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Jitter Click Test

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Click Speed Test Game







カテゴリ:Click Speed Test Game

What Is Jitter Clicking?

It frequently includes a unique sort of clicking known as "​Jitter Clicking​," which involves clicking at a rate that is more than twice as fast as usual.
Jitter Clicking is a technique that involves rapidly clicking the mouse button.

It usually entails producing controlled hand vibrations and transmitting the movement and vibration to the finger, which can result in multiple mouse clicks in a matter of seconds.
Players have achieved an unpredictable high level of CPS in the Jitter Clicking test with this Jitter Clicking. It is, nevertheless, quite tough to master.

Learn Jitter Clicking To Click Faster

​Jitter clicks are distinct from simple mouse clicks in that they entail the shaking of the hand.
After having a strong grasp on the mouse, the user clicks so hard.

For novices, here are some basic jitter clicking procedures and measurements: to cause hand vibrations in this sort of clicking known as jitter clicking.

1. Keep The Hand And Arm In The Right Position

Maintain a strong grip on the mouse. Because you'll be shaking your hand, the grip should be so strong that your hand doesn't go anywhere else or leave the mouse. To keep the hand balanced, the finger should be slightly arched. 

Keep the rest of your hand away from the mouse as much as possible. The mouse should not be relied upon by the wrist. For better grips and clicks, it should be pulled off. 

The arm should be raised off the ground as well. It must be stiff and not relax on the tabletop or any other surface.

2. Vibrate Your Hand

To effortlessly vibrate the hand, use the muscles. You can vibrate your entire arm or just the muscles in your wrist and forearm. It depends on your preferences, although clicking with the forearm is preferred. 
It's important to remember that jitter clicking can cause pain in your arm, wrist, or fingers if you're a newbie.

Additionally, if the ankle or wrist meets a stiff surface during the vibration, you risk injuring yourself. 
Prepare yourself for these aches and pains if you want to become a professional jitter clicker.

3. Transfer The Vibrations To Your Finger And Start Clicking

When you've mastered the vibrations, move on to clicking. For improved clicking, make your wrist rigid around the mouse.

Start clicking by transferring the vibrations from your arm, forearm, or wrist (whatever you choose to vibrate) to your finger .

This is how you can jitter click with ease.
You may lose your grasp on your hand or have muscle soreness. However, if you keep practising, you will be able to master clicking.

Is Jitter Clicking Dangerous

Jitter clicking technique is said to be bad for health and has its own consequences. It is said that it can cause Arthritis or Carpal tunneling.
These issues happen due to the friction that occurs between your joints that is above the limits and Jitter clicking technique resembles this.
However, with few tiny tries, you can do it. It is suggested that you first practice with the jitter clicking speed test on the website without any specific mouse. Just use your fingers to vibrate and try to vibrate them. That is all it takes. ..
What Do You Need to Learn to be Perfect in Jitter Clicking ?

If you want to beat people in the jitter click challenge, then you need to practice a few things. 
Practice shaking your hand muscle faster to get maximum vibration
As you want to vibrate your finger, keep your wrist firm to ensure full vibrations. Because when you keep your wrist stiff, it helps the vibration from the forearm to finger transfer with ease. 

Butterfly Clicking Better Than Jitter Clicking

Although Jitter Clicking is the quickest form of clicking, you might opt ​​for Drag Clicking or Butterfly Clicking due to the difficulty and physical effort required.
The butterfly clicking technique is simpler and, depending on your skill level, can potentially give you more clicks per second.
You must use two fingers instead of simply the index finger in this approach. Then, instead of clicking with one finger.

You can sequentially click the same button with two fingers to acquire twice the amount of clicks. It functions in the same way as a'butterfly'flutters its wings, therefore the name!

Drag Clicking is another option to Jitter Click. The friction between the mouse button and the fingertip is exploited in this way.
In just a few seconds, you can register more than 100 clicks using Drag clicking.
Because of the friction between the surface and your finger, it is possible to detect many clicks while dragging your finger.
However, keep in mind that aiming with the Drag Clicking approach is quite difficult.



最終更新日  2022.04.05 20:38:16
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