Section 14(61/475)
204 My cousin is the last person to break his promise.205 The tissue of mascle consists of innumerable cells.206 Our surplus has swelled by nearly ten persent in this quarter.207 Unfortunately, few passengers survive the catastrophe.208 This substance is mostly composed of hydorogen and oxygen.209 That terrorist was to blame for the disaster.210 My grandma stooped down and picked up a needle and thread.211 The crew prepared for the voyage to outer space.212 Do you mind my borrowing your microscope? No, not at all.213 We admired his wisdom, not to mention his courage.214 The anarchist is apt to lose his temper.215 The guest was not ashamed of his silly conduct at all.216 On encounting a celebrity, the fans asked for his autograph.217 The bishop took pity on the desperate immigrant.218 The witness sympathized with the miserable criminal.今日で、4日目が終了です。今回の分には、ほとんど未知の単語がなく比較的楽でした。今、天気予報どおり、大雨ザーザー土砂降りです!何でも台風9号が関東地方に接近中とか。高知にいるときはよく台風の襲来を受けていましたが、東京に戻ってからは久々の台風です。台風って、不謹慎かもしれないけど、ついワクワクしてしまうんですよね。惨事にならなければいいですが。そうそう、ドル円相場は、ドル安円高に振れています。今、115円40銭近辺。このまま一気に115円割れなんて展開があるのでしょうか?そうなると、また日本株市場も停滞してしまうのかなぁ?