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9,3 / 10 Star;
genre: Documentary;
Craig Foster;
Runtime: 85minutes;
Release Year: 2020;
Directed by: Pippa Ehrlich

♤∞ ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪


♤∞ ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧



Full hd osmiornica nauczycielka życia (2020) movie download 1080p video player.
Deputy Head, Professor: Faculty of Computer Science / School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Senior Research Fellow: Faculty of Computer Science / International Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis Vasilii Gromov has been at HSE University since 2018. Education, Degrees and Academic Titles 2018 Professor 2017 Doctor of Sciences * Oles Honchar Dnipro National University 2000 Master's in Applied Mathematics Dnepropetrovsk State University * Doctor of Sciences
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience The Centre for Modern State Development. Course of futurology seminars Russia and the World under Technological Transformation: Strategic Vision (in the framework of Presidental grant Modern popular pilot futurology course "Trends 2. 0"). Graduated with honours. 2019 Stanford-online. Online course Writing in the Science. 2015. Student Term / Thesis Papers Master degree theses: 2018 Speciation for evolutionary programming algorithms 2017 Relational tensors as a way to represent information about a chaotic time series Constructive neural networks to explore chaotic systems Predictive clustering algorithms to multi-step ahead chaotic time series prediction Prediction of abrupt trend breaks Estimated invariant measure for dynamical system given by an observed time series 2016 Similar time series in chaotic time series problems Natural languages statistical investigations with the employment of self-organized criticality methods 2015 Clustering techniques to predict chaotic time series Predictive clustering to identify in advance popular tweets 2014 NEAT neural models to predict chaotic time series 2009 Damaged mechanical systems identification using constructive neural networks Bachelor theses: 2018 Characteristics of invariant measure to predict time series Constructive neural networks to predict neural networks Multi-step ahead time series prediction Identification of coordinated atacks in Tweeter Speciation in the vehicle routing problem 2017 Statistical characteristics of literary texts corpus Dynamics of texts in finite-dimensional semantic space (for English language corpus) Statistical characteristics of emotion switches in English texts 2016 Self-organized criticality methods for natural selection in genetic algorithms Natural language co-occurence graphs as complex networks Estimated prediction quality of clusters for chaotic time series prediction 2015 Non-linear boundary problem and Kolmogorov superposition theorem 2014 Evolutionary algorithms for time series prediction Bachelor D. Zakharov, The Generation of Typical Stock-Market Figures for a Set of Time Series. Faculty of Computer Science, 2020 A. Tsybakin, Financial Time Series: Multi-Step Ahead Prediction. Egerev, Financial Time Series: Multi Step Ahead Prediction. Gazarian, Financial Time Series: Multi-Step Ahead Prediction. Faculty of Computer Science, 2020 I. Pudiakov, Spot the Bot: Motifs in Semantic Spaces. Faculty of Computer Science, 2020 G. Zolotov, Deep-Learning Scenarios: Neurodifferential Equations and Their Parameters. Puzanova, Spot the Bot: Semantic Trajectories of Chinese Texts, Automatically Generated and Written by Man. Faculty of Computer Science, 2020 S. Rybin, Complex Networks: Graph of Connections and Data Graph. Faculty of Computer Science, 2019 Master R. Freire bonilla, Spot the Bot: Motifs in Semantic Spaces. Faculty of Computer Science, 2020 V. Ladenkov, The Generation of Typical Stock-Market Figures for a Set of Time Series. Faculty of Computer Science, 2019 R. Britkov, How to Identify Bots in Social Media: Motifs in Semantic Spaces. Faculty of Computer Science, 2019 A. Gaisin, Clustering of Distinctive Sequences of Semantic Trajectories. Vorontsov, Financial Time Series: Multi-step Ahead Prediction. Faculty of Computer Science, 2019 N. Bondartcev, Evolutionary Algorithms for the Large-scale Business Tourist Problem. Faculty of Computer Science, 2019 Full list of of student term / thesis papers Academic Supervision for a degree of Candidate of Science 1 Anastasia V. Kabeshova (2015, co-supervision with Prof. Olivier Beauchet, geriatrist), University of Angers (France). Title: Prediction of fallings for aged persons: advantages of nonlinear models (Predire la chute de la personne agee: apports des modeles mathematiques non-lineaires) Courses (2018/2019) Calculus (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience; 1 year, 1, 2 module) Eng Combinatorics, Graphs and Computational Logic (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science; 3 year, 3, 4 module) Eng Linear Algebra (Master’s programme; Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience; 1 year, 1, 2 module) Eng Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (Master’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science; 1 year, 1 module) Eng Real-world Logistics and Bio-inspired Evolutionary Algorithms (Master’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science; 1 year, 3, 4 module) Eng Publications 13 Conferences 2020 Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes MACSPro'2020 (Венеция). Presentation: Prediction after a Horizon of Predictability 2019 МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ НАУЧНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ МАТЕМАТИКИ И МЕХАНИКИ», ПОСВЯЩЕННАЯ 80-ЛЕТИЮ АКАДЕМИКА В. А. САДОВНИЧЕГО 13-15 МАЯ 2019 Г. (Москва). Presentation: Предсказание потери устойчивости цилиндрической оболочки: прямые и обратные задачи теории бифуркаций для уравнений Кармана 4-й Колмогоровский семинар по компьютерной лингвистике и наукам о языке (Москва). Presentation: SEMANTIC AND EMOTIONAL PATHS OF A LITERARY WORK AND ITS TRANSLATIONS International Conference on Software Testing, Machine Learning and Complex Process Analysis (TMPA-2019) (Тбилиси). Presentation: Chaotic Time Series Prediction: Run for the Horizon 2018 14-th International Conference “Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering TCSET” (Славское). Presentation: Inverse Bifurcation Problem for von Karman-type Elliptic Equations International Conference “Ukrainian Conference on Applied Mathematics” (Львов). Presentation: The extended Kantorovich method for von Karman equations 2016 5-th International conference “Nonlinear Dynamics” (Харьков). Presentation: Inverse bifurcation problem as a tool for rapid identification of progressive collapse for thin-walled systems 2014 EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VEROLOG-2014) (Осло). Presentation: A Decision Support System for the Management of Petroleum Distribution 2012 11-th International Conference “Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science TCSET'2012” (Славское). Presentation: Decision-making support system for light petroleum products traffic and transport management 2008 Международный семинар “Актуальные проблемы нелинейной механики оболочек”. Presentation: Численный анализ ветвления нелинейных краевых задач теории тонкостенных систем Employment history Associate professor of School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, National Research University Higher School of Economics (2108-present). Seniour researcher of Center for Reliability and Sustainability of Structures (Dnepropetrovsk National University, 2007-2018), research officer of the same center (2000-2007). Associate professor of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics Department (2006-2018); assistant professor (the same department, 2002-2006). Visiting positions: Visiting professor of Universite du Maine (Faculty of Science and Technologies, May 2011). Visiting lecturer of Universite du Maine (Engineering Higher School, November 2011). I deliver lectures on Data Mining. I deliver (or delivered) lectures on: For Masters in Data Mining - Time series forecasting with applications - Probability and statistics - Bio-inspired algorithms and real-world logistics For Masters in AI and System Analysis: - Non-linear time series forecasting; - Theory of self-organizing systems; - Theory of statistical complexity; - Catastrophe theory; - Foresighting; - Complex Networks; - Deep learning; For Bachelors in System Analysis: - Statistical forecasting of economical process; - Neural networks. - Data Mining; - Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations; - Theory of complex systems; - Design patterns; - Object-oriented programming. I took part in the development of bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD programmes (both concepts and curricula) in decision-making support systems (artificial intelligence) and system analysis.

There's no denying this doc contains some of the most interesting and beautiful footage of kelp forests and octopus(es) ever captured. But it's simply the vanity project of an obnoxious man experiencing an existential crisis while possessing vast means. Viewers aren't granted even a minute reprieve from Craig Foster's overly polished prose delivered with an extremely exaggerated soft tone and full of forced reflections. Only 3 scenes show actual physical contact between him and the same octopus. If more instances of physical contact occurred, viewers surely would have been treated to that footage. There is no guarantee other scenes of an octopus generally going about its octopus life (playing, hunting, evading predators and eventually becoming prey at the end of its own life) contain the same animal. When nature documentaries focus on the narrative of a single animal, filmmakers generally manipulate viewers by editing footage of different animals of the same species together. I'm sure at least some of this trickery exists in "My Octopus Teacher." It tramples the entire premise of the film while also casting doubt on its sincerity. Mostly, it makes Foster's non-stop narration all the more pompous, pretentious and self-aggrandizing.

Vampires vs. the Bronx














Last updated  2020.12.05 17:25:33
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