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Leonardo DiCaprio.
Genre - Action.
9,2 of 10.







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The trailer is misleading, it looks like a trailer for some horror film. The movie itself isn't anything close to the horror genre.

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Finally someone appreciates this movie the way I did.
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Best Batman 1. Adam West 2. Christian Bale 3. Michael Keaton.
One of the best movies i've ever watched. Any suggestions on more movies like this.
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This movie is one of my favorite movies of all time. A true masterpiece and played beautifully by Leonardo. I have a huge crush on him so I love anything he does but this movie was just amazing. Had me in tears and the shocking ending blew my mind. His last line absolutely shook me. Gave me chills. He deserved every Oscar there was that year for this film. Also this movie even had me questioning my own sanity, thinking what if. 😲.

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Mr. Fisher was dumb as a box of 17 rocks, so gullible ugh 😐.
Kelian my love ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Everyone saying it's bad because it's realistic. My uncle and my grandfather all 3 of us saw it together they are both veterans and they say it's pretty accurate to war. Obviously they weren't there, non of us were so.

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Cobb is stuck in a actually run the Inception on Cobb to wake him up. They trick him to allow them into the deepest layers of his mind. The Inception needs to take place on multiple levels ( 51:11. Deep down Cobb confronts the unreality of his projection of Mal. Then in limbo he tells Saito they are dreaming. That is the true Inception.
Have you seen bat man.

The music, the story, and the message are phenomenal in Inception.
Martin Scorsese by far has to be my favorite director. Between Taxi Driver, Cape Fear, Goodfellas, Casino, Shutter Island, The Wolf of Wall Street and so much more.
Liam is an awesome villain, boiii.
Am i the only one watching this in 2019 end.
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Im glad that this was the first movie I watched of the decade.
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I have watched a shit load of movies but this is absolutely the best movie i've ever seen. Just great.
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The cast makes you feel like this is a sequel to the Dark Knight.
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“Dreams pay” haha also an anagram for “A dream spy” which makes more sense.
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Pls do everything great about interstellar.
3:10 - The snow level was actually the most incredible lemonade one can make of the lemons you have; that is, the snow wasn't meant to be there, but when it fell they decided to roll with it and just make it part of the level (or so I heard. Which is really quite brilliant and speaks well to Nolan's abilities as a filmmaker...

15:55 Arthur tumbles on floor 5 while in the 5th dream like his loaded 5 die. EAVOSSception

It's not who you are underneath but what you do that defines you.
I just discovered this channel today and I've got to say, it's very refreshing to see the other side of the YouTube coin when it comes to movie reviews. I do have to say, with this review, your theory about the movie is something that I had never thought of, and makes a whole lot of sense.
Whenever I feel life isnt beautiful as it is. truly suicidal. it was this movie this soundtrack that literally made me doubt it. is this real? And idea? A dream? My point is. its music like this that helps you escape for 4 mins. forget about everything and let your emotions take a reset. Shit works for me every time. inspection has a lot of holes in the story but it is essentially one of the best storys ever told.

May you please. Remake this but give it more wins and a bit more explanation etc because it deserves it. Thx xx.
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11/10 Definentely worth the price of admission

Dumb didnt Cobb just kill himself (wake up) then Drop Mals body back in the real world to make her wake up.
Accepted not excepted (but great video.
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Its simple. Mal didnt want to come back. So he convinced her by inception that we must die. So ounce they died they woke up. Only to realize that she is still stuck with that idea. So she killed herself. To come back to limbo But only as a projection to cobb because she died in real life and of course. She can only come back to his dreams. Not any other way. So when cobb was in reality. He didnt see mal at all. Only in a dream state and whenever he remembers her. He was doubting am i dreaming so he uses the totem. Just to know where is he at. At the end of the movie. He is happy. That he saw his kids. But the totem was still spining. Meaning is he still dreaming? Is mal gonna show up or it will stop eventually.












Last updated  2020.05.09 13:38:45
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