

Nagatsuki (September) Meeting at Space AO (Blue), the art gallery; IEP/Kosovo and Macrobiotic cuisine

トルコ・国際平和展(IEP Turkey)(10)

「国際平和展・コソボ」inトルコ の関係者の皆様と外国の皆様へ前回の日記を英文でお送りします。 Hosted a September Meeting at Space AO after a long interval. It is first time during 10 years of the monthly meetings that some guests through my weblog participated. Unfortunately, some of invitees to the Meeting couldn't come because of unfavorable health condition, sudden inconvenience, work engagement, etc. (For details of Nagatsuki Meeting please refer to my weblog of August 31.) Today's participants varied in their age from just one year old to late sixties. One of the guests came by Sinkansen far from Hamamatsu. Realized that the circle of participants is expanding. Next meeting will be held either in November or in January of the coming year. Am looking forward to seeing them again. The corner exhibited with small works. Many of guests see each other for the first time. A large work of Golden Folding Screen at the end. (Right : Dr. Ryusuke NAKAMURA) Mr. Kenji KAWAI and I are looking at the works of Kosovar painters. He is a young sculptor whose works will be exhibited at the next IEP in Turkey. I am sending a V-sign wishing a successful opening of IEP in Turkey. Water color paintings of those flowers and scenery which have been introduced in my weblog. Macrobiotic cuisine I cooked for today's meeting. Am just feeling relived, since today's Nagatsuki Meeting is over. The meeting realized owing to the kind help of a lady although I was too busy to prepare it. Looking forward to seeing all of the quests again at the next meeting. (Translated by Ryusuke NAKAMURA) おかげさまで、現在、絵画ランキング15位、マクロビオティックランキング15位です。 ★ ↓ 一日一回クリックしていただけると幸いです。更新の励みになります。。。♪ ★ 1日に1回、「絵画」、「マクロビオティック」で、それぞれワンクリックしていただけるとうれしいです。 クリックしましたら、画面の左上にある"戻る"をクリックしてくださると、この画面に戻れます。ありがとうございます。   




