

"Art lives on for many years" by Hideki Nakamura


“Art lives on for many years”---Human world to be opened with eyes and hands Written by Hideki Nakamura In June, 2013 edition of “SHISOU(Thought)”, IWANAMI-SHOTEN’s journal, the serial essay by Hideki Nakamura “Spirit fostered by eyes and hands” took up the painting of Emiko Horimoto as one of the master pieces of art history. Horimoto’s blog introduces this matter.  http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/emikohorimoto/diary/201306210000/ The essay together with addition of newly written sentences was published by Hosei University Press in book form under a new title of “Art lives on for many years”(\ 2,900 + tax). The book deals with the magnificent history of art, starting with Cave painting of Altamira and ending with the contemporary Japanese artists. It is often said that contemporary art is difficult to understand. However, great painters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Claude Monet and Henri Matisse were contemporary artists at that time. The book reveals the hidden meaning and challenging of each master piece drawn by them and concludes that their works are contemporary art at that time. The book introduces about forty foreign artists, about forty Japanese artists and some unidentified artists. I feel highly honored that the book reviews my painting together with the great painters with whom I have great respect, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Joseph Malord Turner, Paul Cezanne, Claude Monet, Constantin Brâncuşi, Wassily Kandinsky, Pablo Picasso, Mark Rothko and also Japanese painters such as Hokusai Katsushika, Jakuchu Ito, Enku, Yasuo Kazuki, Tatsuo Ikeda, Lee U-Fan. Their works appear in the book as black-and-white photos. Nevertheless, you feel as if they were colored pictures when you peruse the comments, which must be the real pleasure of reading of this book. You can also enjoy the color of their works if you search the website of each master piece. The book is largely different from those books which you can finish in a couple of hours. Why don’t you take a never-ending trip to the rich and full-flavored world of art in the book. The work of Emiko Horimoto carried in the book: Current-B98 “Light of Love”(112x175cm), displayed in the 2012 exhibition at Odakyu Department Store in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Extracted from the Photo-diary of Emiko Horimoto, January 24, 2016. http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/emikohorimoto/diary/201601240000/ Emiko HORIMOTO Translated by Dr.Ryusuke NAKAMURA ・・・個展のお知らせ・・・ 堀本惠美子絵画展 宇宙の愛のメッセージ 2016年4月27日(水)~ 5月3日(火)(祝) 三越 名古屋栄 〒460-8669 名古屋市中区栄3-5-1 TEL 052-252-1111(大代表) (C) Emiko HORIMOTO 一昨年の連休中に開催された 堀本惠美子絵画展 三越・名古屋栄 堀本恵美子絵画展 宇宙の愛のメッセージ 2016年6月21日(火)~27日(月) 三越 札幌   〒060-8666 札幌市中央区南1条西3丁目8 TEL 011-271-3311(大代表) 名古屋の坂川さん制作の下記の[ビデオレター」各々3分ずつの2本、一度是非ご覧頂ければ幸いです。 ●堀本惠美子の「展覧会と収蔵品展示風景」● (ビデオレター 約3分) Emiko HORIMOTO "Art Exhibitions & Collections"  (Japanese) (English) http://app.talkfusion.com/newsletters/vn_view.asp?NDgzMjA4_16047579 ●堀本惠美子の 「作品」紹介● (ビデオレター 約3分) Emiko HORIMOTO "Works"   (Japanese) ( English) http://app.talkfusion.com/newsletters/vn_view.asp?NDgzMjA5_16047579   皆様の応援クリックよろしくお願いいたします。 心より感謝いたします。    ↓        ↓     google(グーグル)の堀本惠美子(ほりもとえみこ)のホームページを作りました。 (展覧会の最新情報掲載)(Emiko HORIMOTO New Web.)(Japanese.English) (2014年 名古屋・三越個展 2015年小田急・新宿個展)なども掲載されています。 https://sites.google.com/site/emikohorimoto 『堀本惠美子(ほりもとえみこ)のホームページ』 (Emiko HORIMOTO Web) (Japanese, English, French)では2011年までの作品や展覧会、コソボの国際平和展、 収蔵先などをご紹介しています。覗いてみていただければ幸いです。 http://www.space-ao.com/ 堀本惠美子(ほりもとえみこ)作品取り扱い画廊 T&T ギャラリー  (堀本惠美子作品紹介) http://tandt-gallery.com/artists/horimoto/index.html 堀本惠美子 アートギャラリー (日本美術倶楽部) (Emiko HORIMOTO Art Gallery) (Japanese,English) 堀本惠美子の作品10点の紹介です  http://www.nihonbijutsu-club.com/horimoto/  『東京女子大学 活躍する卒業生』に堀本恵美子掲載 http://office.twcu.ac.jp/career/info/graduate.html 私が所属している国際的なボランティア団体『東京3ゾンタクラブ』のブログは以下をご覧頂ければ幸いです。 http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/zontacluboftokyo3 (C) Emiko HORIMOTO




