
The first day


Today is the first day of schooldays in New York. Still I feel dreaming that I am here. I took Staten Island Ferry to Manhattan. Many People took ferry because it was 7 AM. But almost all people could sit. The ship is large. I saw Statue of Liberty from ferry. There is large customer room include small cafe, and people can go to outside room. After I saw Statue of Liberty, I want to forward of ferry. Then I saw big Manhattan. I will never forget that minutes. But weather was bad in this morning. I took subway soon, then I arrived in my school. Today, there are only orientation and test. That test includes all reading, listening, writing, and speaking. I think that listening was the most difficult. Speaking English is difficult for me, but listening is more difficult. I couldn't understand some information. There are 12 new students including me. I talked with some of them, but I couldn't talking well. I remembered than I am not good at making friends. I think purposes on that. I will go to Manhattan city after this. I look forward to it. 2012.06.25.13:17 in school (以下、日本語文章) 今日から学校スタート。 NewYorkにいることが夢のように感じる。 Staten Islandからなので、フェリーに乗る。 7時台だったので人はたくさん、 しかしこのフェリーは大きいので座ることは十分可能。 船内にはカフェもある。 このフェリーはStatue of Libertyの近くを通る。 デッキに出ることも可能だ。 最初なのでもちろん出てみる。ちょっと天気が悪かったが。 自由の女神を通り過ぎると、Manhattanは目の前。 一生忘れないであろう瞬間だ。 Manhattanに降り立ったら、そこからは地下鉄に乗る。 今日はオリエンテーションとレベル分けテストのみ。 テストは読む書く聞く話すの全てが含まれていた。 Listeningが一番難しかった。 今日の新入りは、僕を含め12人。 何人かとは話したが、結構難しいものだ。 そういや僕は日本でも友達作りは苦手だったorz どうするか・・・。 この後、Manhattanに出かける。 2012.




