No. |
S-No. |
Score |
ブログ |
タイトル |
Title |
On Air |
1 |
1- 1 |
爆笑2 |
マンハッタンの6人 |
The One Where Monica Gets A Roommate (a.k.a.
The One Where It All Began) |
22-Sep-94 |
2 |
1- 2 |
爆笑2 |
ロスの大事件 |
The One With The Sonogram At The End |
29-Sep-94 |
3 |
1- 3 |
爆笑3 |
モニカの彼はみんなのもの? |
The One With The Thumb |
6-Oct-94 |
4 |
1- 4 |
レイチェルの憂鬱 |
The One With George Stephanopoulos |
13-Oct-94 |
5 |
1- 5 |
土曜の夜を一緒に |
The One With The East German Laundry Detergent |
20-Oct-94 |
6 |
1- 6 |
迷えるチャンドラー |
The One With The Butt |
27-Oct-94 |
7 |
1- 7 |
マンハッタンが真っ暗! |
The One With The Blackout |
3-Nov-94 |
8 |
1- 8 |
陽気なお葬式 |
The One Where Nana Dies Twice |
10-Nov-94 |
9 |
1- 9 |
感謝祭の大騒動 |
The One Where Underdog Gets Away |
17-Nov-94 |
10 |
1-10 |
大晦日の約束 |
The One With The Monkey |
15-Dec-94 |
11 |
1-11 |
チャンドラーのママ登場! |
The One With Mrs. Bing |
5-Jan-95 |
12 |
1-12 |
おなかのベビーはどっち? |
The One With The Dozen Lasagnas |
12-Jan-95 |
13 |
1-13 |
目には目を、歯には歯を |
The One With The Boobies |
19-Jan-95 |
14 |
1-14 |
バレンタインの恋愛騒動 |
The One With The Candy Hearts |
9-Feb-95 |
15 |
1-15 |
キャリア・アップ大作戦 |
The One With The Stoned Guy |
16-Feb-95 |
16 |
1-16 |
フィービーの双子対決 |
The One With Two Parts (1) |
23-Feb-95 |
17 |
1-17 |
ERドクター登場! |
The One With Two Parts (2) |
23-Feb-95 |
18 |
1-18 |
ポーカーゲーム必勝法 |
The One With All The Poker |
2-Mar-95 |
19 |
1-19 |
マルセルの逃亡 |
The One Where The Monkey Gets Away |
9-Mar-95 |
20 |
1-20 |
不誠実な婚約者 |
The One With The Evil Orthodontist |
6-Apr-95 |
21 |
1-21 |
ニセのモニカ出現 |
The One With The Fake Monica |
27-Apr-95 |
22 |
1-22 |
年下の恋人 |
The One With The Ick Factor |
4-May-95 |
23 |
1-23 |
ベビー誕生! |
The One With The Birth |
11-May-95 |
24 |
1-24 |
めぐり逢えたのに?! |
The One Where Rachel Finds Out |
18-May-95 |
25 |
2- 1 |
ロスの新しい恋人 |
The One With Ross's New Girlfriend |
21-Sep-95 |
26 |
2- 2 |
父とおチチ |
The One With The Breast Milk |
28-Sep-95 |
27 |
2- 3 |
迷惑な遺産相続 |
The One Where Heckles Dies |
5-Oct-95 |
28 |
2- 4 |
フィービーが電撃結婚?! |
The One With Phoebe's Husband |
12-Oct-95 |
29 |
2- 5 |
人生はツラいよ |
The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant |
19-Oct-95 |
30 |
2- 6 |
忘れ物にご用心 |
The One With The Baby On The Bus |
2-Nov-95 |
31 |
2- 7 |
逃がした魚は大きい! |
The One Where Ross Finds Out |
9-Nov-95 |
32 |
2- 8 |
禁断のリスト |
The One With The List |
16-Nov-95 |
33 |
2- 9 |
パパをたずねて |
The One With Phoebe's Dad |
14-Dec-95 |
34 |
2-10 |
2人のロス |
The One With Russ |
4-Jan-96 |
35 |
2-11 |
レズビアン・ウェディング |
The One With The Lesbian Wedding |
18-Jan-96 |
36 |
2-12 |
スターとデート |
The One After The Super Bowl (1) |
28-Jan-96 |
37 |
2-13 |
プリティ・ウーマン登場! |
The One After The Super Bowl (2) |
28-Jan-96 |
38 |
2-14 |
極秘ビデオ公開! |
The One With The Prom Video |
1-Feb-96 |
39 |
2-15 |
ついに二人は…? |
The One Where Ross And Rachel...You Know |
8-Feb-96 |
40 |
2-16 |
ジョーイの家出 |
The One Where Joey Moves Out |
15-Feb-96 |
41 |
2-17 |
Vol.1:新しいルームメイト |
The One Where Eddie Moves In |
22-Feb-96 |
42 |
2-18 |
初めてのケンカ |
The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies |
21-Mar-96 |
43 |
2-19 |
元のさやに戻ろう! |
The One Where Eddie Won't Go |
28-Mar-96 |
44 |
2-20 |
おとぎ話のウソ |
The One Where Old Yeller Dies |
4-Apr-96 |
45 |
2-21 |
ソファーはゆずれない! |
The One With The Bullies |
25-Apr-96 |
46 |
2-22 |
ダブル・パーティー騒動 |
The One With The Two Parties |
2-May-96 |
47 |
2-23 |
水ぼうそうでおジャン? |
The One With The Chicken Pox |
9-May-96 |
48 |
2-24 |
元カレの結婚式で… |
The One With Barry And Mindy's Wedding |
16-May-96 |
49 |
3- 1 |
マンハッタンの6人、再び |
The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy |
16-Sep-96 |
50 |
3- 2 |
身支度は大騒ぎ! |
The One Where No One's Ready |
26-Sep-96 |
51 |
3- 3 |
ジャムの味は最高! |
The One With The Jam |
3-Oct-96 |
52 |
3- 4 |
ジョーイのオーディション |
The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel |
10-Oct-96 |
53 |
3- 5 |
彼女はイザベラ・ロッセリーニ? |
The One With Frank Jr. |
17-Oct-96 |
54 |
3- 6 |
衝撃!暴かれた過去 |
The One With The Flashback |
31-Oct-96 |
55 |
3- 7 |
教え子はライバル |
The One With The Race Car Bed |
7-Nov-96 |
56 |
3- 8 |
フィービーに殺人疑惑? |
The One With The Giant Poking Device |
14-Nov-96 |
57 |
3- 9 |
フットボールは燃えるぜ! |
The One With The Football |
21-Nov-96 |
58 |
3-10 |
レイチェルのトラバーユ |
The One Where Rachel Quits |
12-Dec-96 |
59 |
3-11 |
バースデイ・キッス |
The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which
Sister |
9-Jan-97 |
60 |
3-12 |
ジェラシーで大混乱! |
The One With All The Jealousy |
16-Jan-97 |
61 |
3-13 |
モニカの恋、再び… |
The One Where Monica And Richard Are Just
Friends |
30-Jan-97 |
62 |
3-14 |
フィービーの歌がCMに! |
The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner |
6-Feb-97 |
63 |
3-15 |
恋の行方(前編) |
The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break
(1) |
13-Feb-97 |
64 |
3-16 |
恋の行方(後編) |
The One The Morning After (2) |
20-Feb-97 |
65 |
3-17 |
5人のスキー旅行! |
The One Without The Ski Trip |
6-Mar-97 |
66 |
3-18 |
愛さえあれば年の差なんて! |
The One With The Hypnosis Tape |
13-Mar-97 |
67 |
3-19 |
億万長者とデート! |
The One With The Tiny T-Shirt |
27-Mar-97 |
68 |
3-20 |
ハートブレイク |
The One With The Dollhouse |
10-Apr-97 |
69 |
3-21 |
モニカの夢、実現? |
The One With A Chick And A Duck |
17-Apr-97 |
70 |
3-22 |
レイチェルの勘違い |
The One With The Screamer |
24-Apr-97 |
71 |
3-23 |
フィービーはどっちも好き! |
The One With Ross's Thing |
1-May-97 |
72 |
3-24 |
格闘技は男の美学? |
The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion |
8-May-97 |
73 |
3-25 |
渚でロスとレイチェル… |
The One At The Beach |
15-May-97 |
74 |
4- 1 |
渚でロスとレイチェル…その後 |
The One With The Jellyfish |
25-Sep-97 |
75 |
4- 2 |
迷い猫に母の魂!? |
The One With The Cat |
2-Oct-97 |
76 |
4- 3 |
チャンドラー監禁 |
The One With The 'Cuffs |
9-Oct-97 |
77 |
4- 4 |
ジョーイのShallWeダンス? |
The One With The Ballroom Dancing |
16-Oct-97 |
78 |
4- 5 |
間違いだらけの恋人選び |
The One With Joey's New Girlfriend |
30-Oct-97 |
79 |
4- 6 |
恋人はダーティ・ガール |
The One With The Dirty Girl |
6-Nov-97 |
80 |
4- 7 |
From ジョーイ To チャンドラー |
The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line |
13-Nov-97 |
81 |
4- 8 |
チャンドラーの箱 |
The One With Chandler In A Box |
20-Nov-97 |
82 |
4- 9 |
モニカは夢の料理長!? |
The One Where They're Going To Party! |
11-Dec-97 |
83 |
4-10 |
ロスは遠距離恋愛がお好き |
The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie |
18-Dec-97 |
84 |
4-11 |
フィービー、ママになるの? |
The One With Phoebe's Uterus |
8-Jan-98 |
85 |
4-12 |
チャンドラーの仕事は何? |
The One With The Embryos |
15-Jan-98 |
86 |
4-13 |
レイチェルの恋愛白書 |
The One With Rachel's Crush |
29-Jan-98 |
87 |
4-14 |
ジョーイとチャールトン・ヘストン |
The One With Joey's Dirty Day |
5-Feb-98 |
88 |
4-15 |
チャンドラー、イエメンに行く! |
The One With All The Rugby |
26-Feb-98 |
89 |
4-16 |
レイチェルのラブ・アタック |
The One With The Fake Party |
19-Mar-98 |
90 |
4-17 |
ロス、イギリスへ行く |
The One With The Free Porn |
26-Mar-98 |
91 |
4-18 |
レイチェルのセクシー・ドレス |
The One With Rachel's New Dress |
2-Apr-98 |
92 |
4-19 |
ロスのプロポーズ |
The One With All The Haste |
9-Apr-98 |
93 |
4-20 |
マイ・ウェディング・ドレス |
The One With The Wedding Dresses |
16-Apr-98 |
94 |
4-21 |
ふたりの思い出、ロスとレイチェル |
The One With The Invitations |
23-Apr-98 |
95 |
4-22 |
消えた指輪の行方 |
The One With The Worst Best Man Ever |
30-Apr-98 |
96 |
4-23 |
ロスの結婚式-PART1 |
The One With Ross's Wedding (1) |
7-May-98 |
97 |
4-24 |
ロスの結婚式-PART2 |
The One With Ross's Wedding (2) |
7-May-98 |
98 |
5- 1 |
ロスの結婚式、その後… |
The One After Ross Says Rachel |
24-Sep-98 |
99 |
5- 2 |
モニカとチャンドラーのひ・み・つ |
The One With All The Kissing |
1-Oct-98 |
100 |
5- 3 |
フィービー、ついに出産! |
The One Hundredth |
8-Oct-98 |
101 |
5- 4 |
ロスが選ぶのはどっち? |
The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS |
15-Oct-98 |
102 |
5- 5 |
お忍びでラブラブ旅行 |
The One With The Kips |
29-Oct-98 |
103 |
5- 6 |
雪男に胸キュン! |
The One With The Yeti |
5-Nov-98 |
104 |
5- 7 |
レイチェルは恋の法則ガール |
The One Where Ross Moves In |
12-Nov-98 |
105 |
5- 8 |
それぞれの感謝祭 |
The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks
(a.k.a. The One With All The Thanksgivings) |
19-Nov-98 |
106 |
5- 9 |
モニカはエッチ中毒!? |
The One With Ross's Sandwich |
10-Dec-98 |
107 |
5-10 |
シスコン男にご用心! |
The One With The Inappropriate Sister |
17-Dec-98 |
108 |
5-11 |
新年の誓い |
The One With All The Resolutions |
7-Jan-99 |
109 |
5-12 |
ゴマすりチャンドラー |
The One With Chandler's Work Laugh |
21-Jan-99 |
110 |
5-13 |
ジョーイのバッグ |
The One With Joey's Bag |
4-Feb-99 |
111 |
5-14 |
とうとう熱愛発覚!! |
The One Where Everybody Finds Out |
11-Feb-99 |
112 |
5-15 |
チャンドラーが結婚宣言!? |
The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey |
18-Feb-99 |
113 |
5-16 |
警官バッジは恋の始まり |
The One With The Cop |
23-Feb-99 |
114 |
5-17 |
レイチェルの勘違いキス! |
The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss |
18-Mar-99 |
115 |
5-18 |
目指せ!キャリアウーマン |
The One Where Rachel Smokes |
8-Apr-99 |
116 |
5-19 |
ロスのナンパ必勝テク |
The One Where Ross Can't Flirt |
22-Apr-99 |
117 |
5-20 |
まさかの臨死体験!? |
The One With The Ride Along |
29-Apr-99 |
118 |
5-21 |
フィービーが同棲? |
The One With The Ball |
6-May-99 |
119 |
5-22 |
ジョーイ悲願の大ブレイク! |
The One With Joey's Big Break |
13-May-99 |
120 |
5-23 |
恋人たちのベガス PART1 |
The One In Vegas (1) |
20-May-99 |
121 |
5-24 |
恋人たちのベガス PART2 |
The One In Vegas (2) |
20-May-99 |