【eTOC】 Topic: Are you addicted to digital?
昨日予定していたレッスンをキャンセルして、今日に回しました。さて、いつものようにライティングを元にフリーカンバセーションに臨みました。最後にスピーチメモをつけていますが、ほとんど違うことを話しちゃったかも。ライティングの話の前に何か話したいことはない?といわれて、雑誌を2冊購入したことを話しました。で、何で2冊になったか、というくだりで、Harper'sにしようと思って、Webで申し込んだらエラーで申し込めなかったから、Atlanticに変えて申し込んだらやっぱりエラーで、でも、エラーメッセージでクッキーが原因ってわかったから、再度Harper'sに挑戦して、成功したので、うれしかったので、ついでにAtlanticにも申し込んだ、っていうことを話しました。今回はインターネット中毒みたいな話を書きました。評価は★4つでした。前回よりはとりあえず、1個増えました。話していてやはり少し言い淀んだり、無茶な文法で話すことがあるので、やはり、瞬間英作文とかそのあたりで瞬発力を鍛えた方がいいのかもしれません・・・反省中です。fluentlyに話せる日は来るかな・・・。以下、今日のレッスンのために用意したスピーチメモ。今回もほとんど話さなかったけど(爆)。Not bad. I'm a little tired, but today is Friday, so I feel relieved.I don't have any special today.I got a bonus last month, so I want to buy something.But I don't decide what to buy.My husband is looking for a golf club to buy.He wants to buy a new one. So I want to buy something, too.But I have everything that I want to buy, so I can't decide what to buy.I want something for learning English.I've just subscribed to two monthly magazines, "the Atlantic Monthly" and "Harper's Magazine."How about buying additional tickets for eTOC?Well, anyway, today's topic.I believe that you enjoyed my journal.I hadn't thought about unplagging the Internet. The Internet is one of life standard for me. I get a lot of information from the Internet such as TV programs, domestic and international news, transportation information such as time table, weather forecasts and so on.It is effective to use computers for study and business.However, I think it is not always effective.When I search the data or information, I use the Internet.I do netsurfing.I can get a lot of information and speaking of quantities, they are excess. You have to sort out what you need from pile of web pages.Is it effective?Comparing a computer screen to a newspaper, you can get more information from a newspaper than a computer screen. A quantity that you can overlook once is much than a computer screen.On the other hand, a newspaper is not good at searching. If you want to search a word, you have to read a newspaper from end to end.But if you use computers, you can search the word that you need, typing the word.I think that using computers has both sides -- good and bad.But I believe our life is too dependent on computers.When I see the web site and my children talk to me, I don't want to reply because I concentrate netsurfing.I write anything that I need to write with my computer.So I can't sometimes write a proper Kanji even though I can read it . I forgot how to write some Kanjis.Microsoft MIE transforms Hiragana to Kanji, so I don't usually need to remember how to write kanjis. But when it comes to a pinch, I can't write Kanjis.The Internet world is very interesting and many people are attracted.Some people are likely to be related only in the vertial net world.Some people are addicted to computer games and they may spend many hours in front of the computer screen.The Internet and computers can be cut both ways.