【ヘラトリ】 1/10 ヒラリーさん勝った
週末、新聞が未読状態で2つたまっていますが、結局、チェックしたいのはニューハンプシャー後の10日付の新聞。せっかく、大統領予備選のお勉強したので(笑)。10日付けの新聞のトップはヒラリーさんとマッケインさん。見出しは・・・2 comebacks reshape U.S. raceそれにしても、ヒラリーさんが涙を流して、それはちょっと失敗だったんじゃないかと私は思っちゃったんですが、結果は違ったようです。高齢の女性に、好意的に受け入れられたという分析がされています。Another Clinton returns from the brinkオンライン記事はこちら ↓NEWS ANALYSIS:Defying predictions and some dire polls, Clinton escapes to fight another daypolitical intensity:政治の強さmargin:票差the difference in the number of votes, points etc that exists between the winners and the losers of a competition or election↑余白のmarginは知っていましたが、marginに票差という意味があったとは・・・知らなかった、ボキャ貧な私。Senator Clinton beat Senator Barack Obama of Illinois with a margin that - if not particularly wide - was enough for her campaign to claim a resounding victory.desert:[transitive]to leave someone or something and no longer help or support them [= abandon]rapturous:有頂天の、うっとりした[usually before noun]expressing great happiness or admiration - used especially in news reportsdrubbing:大敗、完敗an occasion when one team easily beats another team in sportbe on the verge of:今にも~しようとしてto be at the point where something is about to happentraction:引っ張られることthe force that prevents something such as a wheel sliding on a surfacesayorinさんのブログで、紹介のあったTeflonがここで、出てきました。"Obama is almost Teflon in terms of criticism," said Bob Graham, the former Florida senator and a Democratic presidential candidate in 2004Teflon guy:不屈の男、何があっても平気な男、スキャンダルに強い男"He doesn't have much of a record you can dissect," adding that his advantages included "his freshness, newness, star status."dissect:細かく調べる、分析する[transitive]to examine something carefully in order to understand itprotract:~を長引かせるprotracted:used to describe something that continues for a long time, especially if it takes longer than usual, necessary, or expected [= lengthy]squabble:つまらない口論をするto argue about something unimportant [= quarrel]glee:歓喜[uncountable]a feeling of satisfaction and excitement, often because something bad has happened to someone else [= delight]Shifts propel Clinton and McCain to biggest testオンライン記事はこちら ↓Victories for Clinton and McCain reshape racefree-for-all:自由参加の討論会a noisy quarrel or fight involving a lot of peopleLazarus:《聖書》ラザロ◆ヨハネ福音書に描かれる、イエスの足に香油を塗ったマリアの兄でイエスがよみがえらせた男。a friend of Jesus whose story is told in the Bible. When he died, Jesus brought him back to life.マッケインの勝利をたとえて。これはうまいたとえ! In the Republican primary, McCain revived his presidential bid with a Lazarus-like victory.meticulous:細かいことにこだわり過ぎるvery careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctlydogged:根気強い、容易に屈しないdogged behaviour shows that you are very determined to continue doing somethingin tatters:ボロを着てblur:ぼんやりするto become difficult to see or to make something difficult to see, because the edges are not cleargalvanize:奮い立たせるto shock or surprise someone so that they do something to solve a problem, improve a situation etcprecinct:(行政上の)地区、管区American Englishone of the areas that a town or city is divided into, so that elections or police work can be organized more easily↑げ。数日前にも同じ単語をチェックしたことを思い出しましたturf:[uncountable] informal an area that you think of as being your ownsomebody's own/home turf (=the place that someone comes from or lives in)in New York - Clinton's home turfgird:[intransitive and transitive] 身構えさせるif you gird for something, or gird yourself for something, especially something difficult, you prepare for itgird (yourself) for somethingconcession speech:敗北宣言 勝利宣言は victory speechlull:vt なだめるto make someone feel calm or as if they want to sleephuddle:群れ集まる[intransitive] American Englishto sit or stand with a small group of people in order to discuss something privatelyExit polls of voters on Tuesday showed that women, registered Democrats and older people - especially older women - came out solidly for Clinton, while independents, men and younger voters went for Obama.年配の女性はヒラリーさん、男性と若者はオバマさん支持。11日配信のAnderson Cooper 360のPodcastを見ていると、South Carolina はキーとなりそう。ここは民主党員の半数が黒人、だけど、被災地でもあるから、ヒラリーさんがメインに挙げている政策の社会保険制度や教育に関してとても関心がある地区だと。もし、ここで、ヒラリーさんが勝ったとしたら・・・やっぱりどこの国も「カカア天下」(笑)。retrench:削除する、節約するif a government or organization retrenches, it spends less money [= economize]